I have questioned my sexuality from a young age. I thought I would have it figured out for sure by this point in my life, but I'm still just as confused as I was when I was a child/teenager. I think that if I had more (read: any) romantic and/or sexual experience, I would have a better idea.
My own fantasies are complicated. I sometimes have romantic fantasies about having a boyfriend or husband, or daydreams about my favorite fictional male characters being in romantic relationships with one another (known as "yaoi" or "slash"). But I dislike the thought of having sex with a man, and any daydreams about favorite fictional male characters always wind up fading to black. I used to think it was just because I was afraid of men either due to my religion or my own insecurities about my body, or even a fear of getting impregnated.
But there is evidence to suggest that I just don't find men sexually appealing. The adult stuff I look at online is centered around other women, either by themselves or with each other. Whenever I'm scrolling through a gallery and see a man's privates, my level of arousal gets knocked down a few pegs. One time a friend of mine bought me a penis-shaped vibrator as a gift, and at first I felt like gagging every time I looked at it. Sometimes I have daydreams about my favorite fictional female characters, and they tend to be much more sexual in nature than my daydreams about male characters. Sometimes I like to imagine myself as the object of affection for my favorite fictional female characters, something I never imagine with male characters.
Everyone I know thinks I'm madly in love with the actor Johnny Depp due to my all-consuming obsession with the characters he portrays in certain movies, but the truth is, I have never really thought of him in a sexual way. I just really love the way he uses his skills as an actor to make his characters sympathetic and appealing. Sometimes I wonder if my adoration of Depp is like a gender-flipped equivalent of some gay men's adoration of women like Judy Garland or Madonna.