muslimmetalhead wrote:
MightyMorphin wrote:
No. Porn is NOTHING like sex in real life. It will only confuse and mess you up even more. Do not take Samual's suggestion seriously, please, for the love of God xD
It's also perverted and NOT right, I don't care what your orientation is, it's disgusting.
MightyMorphin is quite right. Porn is nothing like real life. I've become more acclimatised to it now but if I'd gone with porn as a means to determine sexuality I'd be a monk now.
But perverted? Nooo, I don't think so. Of course, I'm a little biased. I have no interest in porn myself but I've been paid to "star" in a few photoshoots. I wasn't being exploited. If anything, I feel I was exploiting them!