SanityTheorist wrote:
salem44dream, since you've been to gay bars before and I haven't, how accurate are the stereotypes?
I think I'm the wrong person to answer that -- the times I've been to gay bars I think I saw things through my own "filters." Such as constantly thinking, "No one's interested in me," alternating with, "That guy looking at me thinks I'm weird." Only twice have I actually approached guys and asked them out, and those dates went badly. I can only say the "stereotype" of guys just being there for sex seemed true for me in those two cases, which isn't saying much.
For me the stereotype of a gay bar is a place where everyone is looking at everyone else so critically that I feel like they want me to leave because I have no fashion sense, am awkward at conversation and can't make much eye contact, etc. I'm beginning to think that stereotype isn't accurate either, rather it's the way I'm filtering the experience.