What was your experience of being gay during highschool?

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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31 Oct 2012, 3:40 am

Or any other type of school during your teen years e.g. secondary school.


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31 Oct 2012, 7:43 am

I didn't know I liked girls when I was a teen. I was just really confused. But I do remember admiring the other girls in my grade.


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31 Oct 2012, 9:48 am

I'm still a teen now, technically. In secondary school specifically, I couldn't take my eyes off this girl in my class. She's just too magnetic. I wanted her real bad lol, and still do, but to a lesser extent now.


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31 Oct 2012, 10:31 am

I wasn't "out" back then. I didn't even really know who or what I was back then. I did have a boyfriend at one point though and that was nice for a while.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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31 Oct 2012, 11:32 am

for whatever reason it worked out coming out for me, but my aspie tendencies and adhd made me very prone to having very little great friends, but my quirky behavior was fun to those in small doses, and since my mom kept me over occupied to deal with the ADHD; day started at 6am and ended at 9pm with swimming, I never had a real close knit social group.

I became everyone's gay friend (since Will and Grace was happening at the time).


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01 Nov 2012, 12:26 am

I had a girlfriend in highschool. People were fine, at least I never heard anyone say anything negative.

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01 Nov 2012, 12:35 am

feelings of frustration, of involuntary solitude, social ineptness, feeling like being on the outside looking in [or the inside looking out], feeling ill-prepared for life, feeling horny with no outlet, feeling totally irrelevant and unwanted. that about covers it. :hmph:


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01 Nov 2012, 12:35 am

damned puter malfunction, or wp doesn't like my puter so it duplicated my post 3 times. :hmph:

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Sea Gull
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01 Nov 2012, 1:32 am

It was in my subconscious back then, but I rejected it during those days. I was made fun of anyway, mostly for social awkwardness.

I think that if I had embraced it, I would have quite likely been physically attacked on a whole new level other than what I had already known.

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02 Nov 2012, 5:07 am

I wasn't out then and am not now. But I knew even when I was in kindergarten that I was attracted to boys/men. It wasn't perticularly fun or anything. I admired various boys at all schools. Some students called me homo etc. I thought then the reason why I didn't fit in was because I was sexually different from the majority of the boys, but now I know it had more to do with my social skills (AS). My sexuality never bothered me in my life. I somehow always felt lucky to be "homosexual" at high school. I feel that way now, too. I don't understand why some boys experience difficulty accepting the fact that they are gay. Maybe because I was already a social outcast being with AS (though not yet formally diagnosed), I couldn't care too much about my being different in sexuality from the other boys. Probably for non-AS boys it's important to be socially acceptable and being a "homo" certainly is not.

Sorry for my digression.


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02 Nov 2012, 4:45 pm

No one knew I was gay, so I didn't have to deal with anything negative because of it.

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02 Nov 2012, 7:46 pm

I have been out of the closet since 10th grade and initially received a lot of backlash for it. people learned quickly not to piss me off though, I responded with anger and well laid arguments against their BS homophobia well.

Some have expressed awkwardness at the idea of being around a gay guy but I just ignore those fears and hope they go away on their own.

Last yer I made my first gay friend...unfortunately we were incompatible and he was dating someone already in Germany.

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Sea Gull
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04 Nov 2012, 2:06 pm

I graduated high school in 1992. I knew I was a lesbian since 5th grade but always hoped a guy would ask me out in high school, though I'm not really sure why. My junior year the very handsome guy who sat in front of me in chemistry asked me out to the movies and I thought we were dating but then it turned out he was gay. We tried to date off and on, just being good friends in between. We are so compatible that it was confusing. We loved each other and still do, but we eventually figured out we were both gay and were simply wonderful friends. He graduated the year before me, and my senior year I went butch but didn't think of it that way. I was just being myself. So I think everybody knew I was gay only I didn't know they knew. I developed a major crush on another girl and asked her out (thought she might be gay too) and she politely told me she had a boyfriend. Nobody ever gave me a hard time about it, though one girl did stop being my friend. In retrospect I think it's because she figured out I was gay. I tend to be very much inside my own head so there may have been things going on that I was oblivious to. Back then you couldn't be blatantly out and there were no role models. That was well before Ellen came out. You lived in fear that someone would find out. Felt I couldn't let my parents know. I had no way to meet other lesbians. So it was lonely. Now I know there were quite a few gay guys in my class who were all dating girls at the time and having sex with each other. I dont know of anyone else who turned out to be a lesbian. It was hard watching other people have straight relationships.
A few years ago my partner taught high school for a couple years and there were lots of out kids and people mostly had no problem with it. They dated each other and had what seemed like normal high school social lives. Must be nice!
Forgot to mention I live in the Bible Belt in the same town I grew up in.