Fnord wrote:
Because divorce always means that it was a bad marriage. Good marriages never result in divorce.
Of course, some couples stay in a bad marriage without ever getting a divorce.
The only way to prevent a divorce is to never get married.
Well, by that measure, clearly heterosexuals have been complete and utter failures at marriage. So the sooner with ban opposite sex marriages, the sooner we can protect all those poor, misguided heteros from getting married.
In all seriousness, I suspect that over time you will see a marginally lower rate of divorce among same-sex marriages:
1) We are are under less social pressure to marry, so when we do marry, it is generally an affirmative choice, rather than a response to Mom's incessant hounding.
2) Our relationships have fewer preconceived conventions. Monogamy 'til death do us part is the heterosexual norm. Couples for whom that is unworkable are then confronted with the obligation either to change that norm for their own marriage, or dissolve their marriage. Among gay couples, lifelong monogamy may be an ideal, but it is--I suggest--not laden down with the same conventional rigour that it is in heterosexual relationships.
3) The stakes are lower. Same-sex couples are less likely to have a single income, and less likely to have dependent children. This diminishes the motivation to enter into marriage for reasons other than an intention to live together permanently.
That does not mean that there will not be divorces--and probably many of them. But proportionally, I suspect that we will see fewer than among our heterosexual peers.