Well, I know ever since I was young I was attracted to girls. I would have crushes on them and even dream about them, I was never attracted to guys( this was around 6-8). Hell, I even said I wanted to be a guy.
But, around 11-12 years old I watched guys make out with each other and it turned me on, I really liked it. I IM cybered with guys and I really liked that too. I also had a crush on my best friend(he was a guy), my heart would race around him.
I get turned on by penis, muscles, some guys in leather pants haha.
Some girls butts, curves e.t.c
I had a naughty dream about my English teacher and I (he's a guy) it turned me on.
But I've had naughty dreams about girls too and they've turned me on.
Am I gay with bi tendencies? Or bi but just leaning more to girls?