Yuugiri wrote:
That's not what it's like for me. Several things happen when I perceive myself as male versus perceiving myself as female:
1) My priorities shift.
2) I have a strong need for others to acknowledge I'm male.
3) I experience gender dysphoria.
So you think male and female have different priorities? What are your priorities when you are male, if you don't mind my asking?
Why do you have the strong need for others to acknowledge what gender you are? Because you feel people treat you differently according to gender? Because you treat others differently according to their gender?
Yuugiri wrote:
Yuzu wrote:
I hear people say "I feel like both genders" but how do you know what being the other gender feels like or how they think?
You could (and I'm sure some people have) say essentially say the same thing to deny someone's transgenderism.
I understand the physical aspect of transgenderism,(transsexuralism) i.e. gender dysphoria. I don't deny that at all.
But gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviour, activities and attributes that a particular society considers appropriate for men and women. So in a hypothetical society where there is no forced stereotypical ideas of male and female, there still would be gender dysphoria but there would be no transgenderism or bi-genderism. (mentally)
So I guess what I'm trying to say is that it seems like by saying you're bi-gender, you are conforming to the stereotypical ideas of male and female that the society force upon us.
I don't know. I just wish people can do or feel whatever, without trying to identify it as male or female.