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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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18 Mar 2013, 7:57 am

Heres my dilemma: I find myself checking out woman far more than men at school, but the idea of having sex with a man seems far more natural to me, like the idea of getting it on with a girl seems outright foreign to me. I admit, I find my bisexuality really annyoing and wish I was straight (or even gay)


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18 Mar 2013, 8:25 am

Sexuality isn't a matter of simple categories. Labels like heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, demisexual, et.c., are just shortcuts to vague and approximate descriptions of something that's really much more complex. If you prefer females visually but you prefer males tactually, congratulations, you've got that part figured out:). If you like to eat pizza but don't like how it looks, that doesn't make you weird. Just means you have different responses to different senses. If you like pizza more than soup, that doesn't necessarily have to mean you can't enjoy eating or looking at soup every once in a while when you feel like it (as long as you're not stealing the soup without permission).
In short, don't worry about it. It's not a dilemma if you just come to terms with the fact that these labels aren't precise. Enjoy doing what you enjoy (consensually), and don't do what you don't enjoy, and you should be fine.

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18 Mar 2013, 11:17 am

I agree with Vince.

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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22 Mar 2013, 10:18 am

Try checking out AVEN. I'm not suggesting you're asexual by any means, but there are a lot of different types of sexualities that you didn't know existed.
Maybe you're something like homodemisexual or graysexual or something. Although labels are arbitrary, sometimes seeing something you've never seen before will bring you new insights.

But you have the important part figured out.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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22 Mar 2013, 11:29 am

Pretty much just what Vince said: Focus more on doing what you enjoy rather than trying to fit it into a category, since it's ultimately the experience that matters more than the words you use to describe why you wanted it.

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22 Mar 2013, 12:51 pm

Humans are social animals. We have strong, in-built desires to understand our relationship with other members of the species. "How do I fit in?" is a question that demands answers, always. And one of our shortcuts to the answer to that question is labelling.

When we apply labels to ourselves, we have a shorthand that answers all kinds of questions about how we relate to other people. But we quickly learn that labels lack nuance.

So when I say that I am gay, that tells you a lot of things about me. But it doesn't tell you everything.

So, by all means, find the shorthand language that helps you understand (and communicate to others) some information about how you fit in to the social network. But don't every assume that you are confined to that label.
