jk1 wrote:
You are what you are. It's not as if you choose to be what you want to be just to "annoy" other people. No one should have to feel bad about the way they are (except those whose habits/tendencies harm other people - in that case they need professional help). I'm lucky enough to be happily gay - never had any agony about it. Whatever you are, however you feel, you are as good as all the other good people. It's just that society sometimes makes you feel a bit uncomfortable.
Welcome, TheAndrogynousAspie! I enjoy reading posts like your OP.
I agree with this. I don't care who you are as long as you're a nice caring person. A as*hole is a as*hole regardless imo.
DISCLAIMER: Any posts posted on walls/threads are not meant to offend,they are my opinion/s and mine alone. If you feel insulted by them then use the compose button to discuss it with me.
Cat dead, details later.