WildTaltos wrote:
love to me is th same thing as friendship, thuogh Ive learnd I haev highre expectatoins of friends than most people - for exampl, I expect my frinds to be completely loyall to me (as in no cozying up to soemone who is clerly my enemy becuse then I cant trust them), to not intentionaly hurt me, to be there fir me in both goodd and bad times. So basicaly then, when I fall headd ovre heels for seomone, I know its not realy love, as its not liablle to last and it may be only that I am so atracted to them and they dont like me at all - if I can sustain a friendshipp with that person, then thts love and I avoid being hurt so much.
I have a similar opinion to this one.
Although I fully understand that "Love isn't just something you can turn off at the push of a button" as Rylan put it, I consciously control my behavior/thinking against my feeling. As well as I don't want to be hurt in the end, I also don't want to make a fool of myself by giving my unreserved love to someone who may not even like me.