The scene that really stood out to me was the one with Ja'meya Jackson. She was the one who pulled a gun on her classmates during her morning bus ride to school. The police officer tried to throw a bunch of charges at her when she could not find any other way to defend herself. She was repeatedly taunted by a gang of five boys, so she thought bringing a gun onto the bus would intimidate them and convince them to leave her alone.
LAlien wrote:
The movie can help a lot with that, a couple class bullies went and they cried, too. I even heard one apologise for bullying a kid. I think that itis very difficult to understand those things completely unless you have been through it or seen someone close to you go through it. I can't even completely understand, but I can understand enough to know bullying has to be controlled ASAP.
Living my life one day at a time.