I am 14 years old and a girl. I get mistaken for a boy a lot and I like it, sometimes. Sometimes I dress like a boy if I don't want to "be a girl" that day, and like a girl for when I don't want to be called boy. I think that girls are very beautiful and I wouldn't mid touching one (like, a girlfriend kind of way) or kissing one.They also smell good like rose water and I want to play with their hair and smell sweet shampoo. Boys are strong and I would like the way a boy holds you tight and has rough hands and smells like a boy (like wood or a garage or slightly deoderized, not axe or whatever). I am a bit jealous of a boy's body, sometimes, though, like I want to have it instead of what I got. Sex is unappealing and it seems yucky and not good to me, with either gender (but I guess when I'm older, like 18 or something, I will try it to see if I like it). Am I supposed to know already what I am? It seems like my friends do... Am I normal? Do I sound like any kind of thing with a name, like gay or straight (...what about neither?) ? I am confused, but sort of relaxed about it.I don't really care, I just found a place to ask and thought I'd give it a shot. It might be nice to know what I am called.
16 years old, I have synesthesia and Aspergers (probably) "I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high functioning sociopath. Do your research."- Sherlock (BBC)