I can actually relate to a fair bit of what you are saying. Perhaps I can throw in a bit of optimism by commenting on a couple of your points:
puddingmouse wrote:
Also, a lot of other androgynous people are attracted to others according to a gender code (despite not following one themselves), like the rest of the population is and unlike me.
These androgynous people might be attracted to a "gender", but if they are in relationships then someone was attracted to
them. Therefore someone could be attracted to
puddingmouse wrote:
You ask lesbians, or even bi girls, 'what type of girl are you into?' and the answers is always some variation of 'girly' or 'butch'. If you ask me, you get no such gender codes as a requirement. I'm not attracted by extremes of gender-performance - really butch girls and really girly ones, but other than that I don't care.
My answer would be more like your answer, it would not be 'girly' or 'butch'. That's two of us in the world, there must be more.