DeviousDani wrote:
I had a look and you have to have male or female, there is no option not to display gender.
You should try and talk to the people who run this website and explain that there should be an option for other, I'm sure they are accepting of all types of people here

There's nothing wrong with that, it's okay not to identify with either gender, gender and sex are different anyway, maybe for now you could choose the one that is your sex (what your reproductive organs) um until they change it and if they do
Maybe I will do that, thank you!
SnickieX wrote:
Might be, more specifically, Genderfluid, as well.
kittie wrote:
Hi. I'm genderfluid, and yeah, I understand what you mean. I've only come out to very close friends and my boyfriend - they thought it was confusing at first, but they're used to it.
Unfortunately, there's no way to hide the male-female thing and I think it's really ignorant of whoever decided that to have only the binary up here.
It's definitely hard not being binary what with everything oriented around the gender binary, and it's okay to take your time coming out (or not coming out at all! I don't plan to other than to close friends).
Best of luck with everything
TreeShadow wrote:
I feel like you do. I think that the best term to describe it is genderfluid. Sometimes I identify more with one gender or the other, or neither. This is coupled with my pansexual orientation. Basically, I see gender as an irrelevant factor in myself and in my relationships with others. I have felt this way my whole life, but am just beginning to understand and label it. I would suggest researching these terms to see if they sound similar to how you feel.
PerfectlyDarkTails wrote:
Yes in a way... I find the term Agender fits best. I don't display as androgynous, but I share very few if any gendered psychological traits. On the outside I may look like an ordinary man, but otherwise I don't hold significance to gender. I find attractions to both if not all genders, I'm asexual and have no desires to partake in activities. Plus it don't matter what I was born with and feel indifferent in body. I have de-masculinized the body to feel less male, grew my hair long and make my skin less rough, but that's about as far dysporia went.
I've never felt the need to tell anyone but a psychologist that was understanding. The gender field I put down to biological sex instead, I like the option of having both gender and sex fields in forums and so on.
Thank you all so much, I've never known anyone else who felt this way, or even considered it anything but strange or unacceptable. I think the term genderfluid would be quite accurate. TreeShadow, I especially identify with what you said. Gender is irrelevant to me in myself and my relationships with others. I appreciate the responses very much, and I am very pleasantly surprised. I am glad to be here!