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13 Nov 2013, 10:40 pm

Sometimes i stick to the label homoflexible i feel more comftable with this label, i just don't like the label bisexual it docent fit.
But my big problem in truth is figuring out if i am gay who knows how long it will take
but i guess i need advice i need opinions. On if liking that a man has the feeling of strength that you need to have in your life. but feeling no attraction to whats under the pant's as if it's nasty and just sometimes decent but nothing you wish to ever well you get the point.
though i feel like women are attractive in most of the way's i can think of, and i really love them even emotionally like with a women i feel happier and i get a sense of protection over them, Sometimes i tend to get aggressive if someone attempts to date one i love.
Okay i got some issues there i guess im dominant. With a man i guess there sweet kinda not my type in the hole "talking thing" or sexual thing's even abbs don't attract me to um..
but there good friends. And there grate for the strength of protection for myself and i guess maybe one could be a possible lover for me. but there isn't a big thing about them...and im seriously unsure if its just i like men as friends? what does this sound like to you so far?
(sorry for the bad spelling)

I'm sorry if im confusing iv'e just asked this other places too no response till it came to me maybe posting it on a site that also understands me in other ways is better.


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13 Nov 2013, 11:45 pm

I hope you find somebody totally right for you.


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14 Nov 2013, 9:20 am

Relax. Bisexuality is a very odd quality to posses. On the one hand, it can mean that the gender-identity turmoil of puberty and thereafter becomes a very prolonged period of sexual-identity confusing, sometimes lasting into your 20 or even your 30sl Most straight blokes go through a homosexual (or at least homoerotic) phase around the age of 14-15 and are never the worse for it.

Bi people on the other hand tend to suffer from categorisation anxiety and often suspect that they are living a lie in which they are secretly 100 per cent homo or hetero but don't dare to express it.

The sad fact of the matter is that bisexuality is not the AC/DC matter it is usually portrayed as.

You can be exclusively hetero and exclusively homo (and then hetero and homo all over again) at different stages of your life, even though you will be aware of your leanings in the other direction throughout, even if you consider that aspect of yourself irrelevant to your current lifestyle.

You can also be simultaneously homo and hetero (this sounds like it applies to you, but that's just my assumption).

The hetero/homo split in such cases in very rarely a 50/50 split. It can be so predominantly in favour of heterosexuality that the bisexual rejects his homo side as irrelevant (or vice versa of course), or it can be a more conducive split (in my own case, 80 per cent homo, 15 per cent hetero and 5 per cent auto) -- to take my personal example that means in practice that my fantasies (and indeed my encounters) are almost exclusively homosexual, but when the right woman comes along -- BAM! I forget the men for the time being.

I spent many years exploring my attraction to each gender and although after a long period of self-hating and even suicidal urges, I would have preferred to have found myself uncomplicatedly and straightforwardly gay (and I even believed I was at times) my niggling undercurrent of attraction to certain women always managed to upset my chosen self-image, until the point where I had to face a(nother) nervous breakdown or accept that I had been suppressing an aspect of my sexual identity that I couldn't make fit the puzzle.

It sounds like you are similarly in a state of severe flux concerning your sexuality and how to express it.

The only advice I would offer is as follows.

* Experiment with who you like, how you like, but try to do them no harm, physical or psychological, as they are on their own journeys of personal discovery too

* Hang on to people who don't care about your orientation or lack of it -- bitolerant people are in short supply

* If your dick says yes but your sexual identity says no, give your dick a chance to prove its case

* It'll all make sense in the end, but

* Until you arrive at something approaching a firm conclusion about your sexuality, remember one key thing:

It IS possible (and in some cases both natural and unavoidable) to find yourself both confused and happy


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14 Nov 2013, 4:38 pm

:3 im a girl dude lol


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15 Nov 2013, 4:23 pm

I'm sorry for the gender-specific aspects of my last post. I didn't write it with any preconceived idea of your personal gender, and so intended it to be of use to anyone.

It was, however, written from the perspective of personal experience, and (since I'm male) unintended masculine perceptions have obvious filtered in but hopefully don't render the post's content irrelevant to you (e.g., The reference to 'dick' can be substituted with whatever personal barometer of sexual arousal you see fit!)

I hope that it is useful to you whether considered as a whole, or in parts, or in general terms that might be adapted to your personal circumstances.

Like I say, I am bisexual and had great trouble along the way to becoming secure in my sexual identity. I sincerely hope that in some way (however minimal) my post can help you or anyone else who might be experiencing some degree of inner turmoil on this deeply-personal subject.


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15 Nov 2013, 7:30 pm

CharityFunDay wrote:
I'm sorry for the gender-specific aspects of my last post. I didn't write it with any preconceived idea of your personal gender, and so intended it to be of use to anyone.

It was, however, written from the perspective of personal experience, and (since I'm male) unintended masculine perceptions have obvious filtered in but hopefully don't render the post's content irrelevant to you (e.g., The reference to 'dick' can be substituted with whatever personal barometer of sexual arousal you see fit!)

I hope that it is useful to you whether considered as a whole, or in parts, or in general terms that might be adapted to your personal circumstances.

Like I say, I am bisexual and had great trouble along the way to becoming secure in my sexual identity. I sincerely hope that in some way (however minimal) my post can help you or anyone else who might be experiencing some degree of inner turmoil on this deeply-personal subject.

oh it was i found it helped its fine no worries


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15 Nov 2013, 7:30 pm

CharityFunDay wrote:
I'm sorry for the gender-specific aspects of my last post. I didn't write it with any preconceived idea of your personal gender, and so intended it to be of use to anyone.

It was, however, written from the perspective of personal experience, and (since I'm male) unintended masculine perceptions have obvious filtered in but hopefully don't render the post's content irrelevant to you (e.g., The reference to 'dick' can be substituted with whatever personal barometer of sexual arousal you see fit!)

I hope that it is useful to you whether considered as a whole, or in parts, or in general terms that might be adapted to your personal circumstances.

Like I say, I am bisexual and had great trouble along the way to becoming secure in my sexual identity. I sincerely hope that in some way (however minimal) my post can help you or anyone else who might be experiencing some degree of inner turmoil on this deeply-personal subject.

oh it was i found it helped its fine no worries