Christian and bi
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 13 May 2013
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OK so I am a Christian...I'm also bi. It's like the universe decided to take a crap on my life and then laugh about it. First being a Christian and being bi DO NOT MIX. The god I believe in says it is wrong, well......s**t. Everything that I have been taught to believe in my whole life says that it is WRONG. I don't see how it is and saying that it is wrong seems really hateful but that doesn't really change it. These big parts of myself just don't fit and there is no way to make them fit!
Also when your a Christian it is really hard to find another Christian that feels the way you do.....oh, the universe took another crap. I could go on and on about how hard this is but the post can only be so long.
Are there any other Christians out there going through this to? I need a little guidance. Why oh why can't my life be simple?
No she is a homophobe comments....I've had enough of those in other places and already feel bad enough. If you cant say anything nice then don't say anything at....ya know what, just shut it if you cant, kay?
Jesus's love came more alive for those living on the margins.
It might be helpful for you to liberate Christ from
Christianity. Whilst Christianity is far from perfect
Christ is.
Being a quaker its not so much that we accept difference
we celebrate difference. Im not suggesting you be a
quaker, just try not to forget that at the end of the day
it is love, tenderness and forgiveness, bestowed upon
ourselves and each other that is the deeper measure.
With love
I consider myself a christian, and a Transexual, and I don't know really know yet what I'm attracted to.
Here are two things I've learned when it comes to religion.
Religion and church/denomination/individuals are two separate things. In my case, I was raised and still consider myself LDS despite not practicing. Between all the other Mormons, and larger than individual, wards, stakes, or whatever delineation between groups, no two people follow the religion the same exact way.
Which leads me to my next discovery and that is I believe that religion is a matter of the individual. If you believe in God, never let someone stand between you and God. This is easier said than done, but it's a good thing to remember when someone tries to be a dick to you on religious grounds. No Christian should ever get in the way of a fellow Christian to prevent them from worship. What's sad is this happens all to often.
I hope this helps.

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Just be who you are and stop worrying so much what other people think. It really is that simple.
I'm a baptized Roman Catholic, but I'm not very religious. I'm God Father to a few kids. I don't really care for organized religion due to the money, greed & corruption involved. I consider myself more spiritual than religious, and have learned a lot about many other religions over the years. They're all pretty much the same with the same universal way of life lessons, anyways, which pretty much all boil down to, "be a good person."
You were born the way you are, as intended by God. Then you were indoctrinated with religious beliefs by people - people who may not have gotten it right when it comes to what God thinks about bi/gay people. Actually, there's approximately nothing in the bible about it. People use religion as a reason to justify their homophobia and to treat others like jerks. It's really that simple, IMO.
I'd say just roll with it. If it feels good, do it. If God exists and created everything, then he created you exactly as you're meant to be and you should live your life and be free and do whatever it is you were meant to do without fear of criticism or attack from other people because they don't approve or understand it. If others do have anything to say about it, even though it's really none of their concern, then forgive them for being ignorant and continue moving forward with your life however you see fit.
PS It's seems to be the stereotype that very religion Christians are anti-gay, but I personally know some who are anything but, fully accepting & loving the gay people in their families. It's not all Christians who speak & act against non-heterosexual people/couples etc - just the a-holes.

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I agree. I'm Catholic and bisexual. Only one person at my church knows and that's my "uncle", who although he harbors homophobic views, he has accepted the fact I am bisexual. God created everyone in God's own image, the way God intended for each individual to be.
Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!
Far-fetched as it sounds, it is possible that what you have been taught to believe is incorrect. The people teaching you have their own minds and agendas. Make up your own and go from there. If you truly still believe, using your own mind and rationale, that what you were taught is correct, then it stands to reason that you should try to "fix" this "defect" that you have. If you don't believe that (and it sounds like you don't), then it stands to reason that you should reject those teachings. It really isn't any more complex than that, is it?
I don't think the bible indicates being bi is wrong, as long as you don't have sex with a member of your sex. You are lucky (compared to, say, homosexuals. I'm in no way implying you have it easy) to still be attracted to the opposite sex. I think if you find a partner of the opposite sex you will be fine. I wouldn't say you should hide that you're bi though. Being attracted to other members of the opposite sex is just as bad once married anyway.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 13 May 2013
Age: 29
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Being gay is wrong is what every church I have been to has said. It's weird it's like there are so many things that we don't follow in the bible anymore that I know I would be accepted for doing but then this is wrong. How could I be sure what was important to God and what was to many sorry circumstances my Christian education is lacking.
If I got a tattoo, wore gold, or got a divorce I would be totally accepted in my current church. According to the bible these are all sinful. I feel that I am receiving mixed messages here. (my mom got a divorce but thinks being gay is wrong)
Why are all these things so acceptable but being gay is not. I think it is because religion evolves with the times. Being gay may be OK with Christian organizations in the future. It is not what the church thinks about me that I care about, they are hypocritical to say the least,I care about how much God cares, what he thinks.
That is something I will have to do a lot of thinking about....I feel a soul search coming on. I'm still going to church, I need the structure and need it to improve my Christian education but I think I need to separate Church from God more than I have been and start developing more of my own views about my religion and about being bi/gay/lesbian instead of automatically accepting the church and my family's views.
I'm religious and bi, all I could see was s**t hitting the fan but everyone here has accepted there situation well, it gives me hope that things will work out for me as well. I thought being bi and Christian meant I had to accept one and reject the other, maybe that is not true.Everyone's comments have been so helpful and lifted my spirit a little, thank you, and keep them coming!
I am gay and Christian. I am 59 years old and came to accept myself when I was about 19. Throughout the intervening 40 years I have enjoyed a faith that has been and continues to be the foundation of everything else. I have had plenty of ups and downs, but whenever the chips were really down God always came through to rescue me from the fiery furnace ( I love mixed metaphors).
I no longer participate in the back-and-forth of different peoples opinions about religion, bible interpretations, and so on. My proof that God loves all of me is the way God has and continues to actively participate in my life, and the sense of peace I experience during those too-seldom moments when I remember to spend time in meditating in my prayer closet (pun intended) and draw close to God.
Just to chime in, but there ARE churches/denominations that are accepting of LGBT peeps.
My opinion on "God" (If it does exist) is so simple and so complex at the same time. Religion kills the idea, the thought...If there is a "God", I've yet to see a religion that I agree with...
And in the bible, it specifically says "A man shall not lay with another man" Although the interpretations of that are wild and varied, for sure don't listen to Jimmy Swaggart. (The joys of living with my grandparents and waking up EVERY day to something religious, more often then not a hypocrite, kind of kills the part of me that's waiting to blossom.)
Hypocrisy is a human condition, remember that if nothing else of this post. Oh, and you'll see it ALL The time.
Churches are irrelevant, one could say, "this is alright" and another can say "this is not alright", fact is, they cannot both be right.
Salvation was bought by Jesus, not by any religion so its only he that is relevant to your decision.
We are all indeed sinners, Jesus came to save the worst of us, for he knows those least deserving, will be most appreciative of his undeserved kindness.
I get the impression the Mosaic law and all the things we do that we are told make us deserving of death, are to show us we cannot earn our own salvation, but are 100% reliant on Gods mercy and Jesus sacrifice, not that we get an automatic death sentence because we are weak flesh.
There is of course another side to this, its not a get out of jail free card that allows you to live a life of wanton debauchery, its a balance only you yourself can know and chose, if Jesus can see your heart torn apart by your desire to be his, and you fleshly desires, he wont condemn you for not being strong enough to be perfect, but if he sees you happy in sin rather than guilty in sin, he might consider you hold his sacrifice in low regard, or that you have given yourself over to sin and abandoned him.
Only you can decide what you are able to do, its more about your attitude than how "good" you are, Jesus is good and just so never feel he will abandon you for your "sin", but be carefull that you dont abandon him for your "sin".
My heart too is torn apart for my sexual emotion is somewhat perverted from the Biblical norm, I like to think of the tax collector who tore his clothes and wouldn't raise his eyes to Heaven, who said, "be mercyfull to me a sinner", and whom Jesus declared more righteous than the Priest who boasted how good he was.
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