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Emu Egg
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17 Jul 2013, 12:01 am

hi guys please don't make fun of me but I am a man and i fancy womens shoes, flats, heels and others etc, does anyone else have this stupid obsession/fetish?


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23 Jul 2013, 3:53 pm

I follow a few guys on tumblr who like to wear skirts and flats and heels, etc. You're not the only one. :)

At least, I assumed you meant wearing them. You could just like the clothes themselves. Anyway, it's not harming anyone and it makes you happy. I think flats look quite nice but I tend to go around in sandals or sneakers because it just feels like my feet need the support. My sandals have fairly thick soles and look more like men's sandals.


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24 Jul 2013, 11:23 pm

dunno if it's an obsession...but, i always shop in the men's department for shirts and jeans (shorts/pants).


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25 Jul 2013, 1:42 am

I wouldn't say there's anything wrong about liking the clothes of the opposite sex in any way. Especially for guys, I can see the appeal of women's clothing from an aesthetic standpoint. You tend to get softer fabrics, there's a lot more attention to form, there's a greater variety... of course, the drawbacks pretty effectively counterbalance that. Mainly, the prices for what amount of fabric you're actually getting. Paying double digits for a shirt you pretty much have to layer to not feel naked while wearing. The attention to form only comes with a high price tag, and the further away from model-specific couture you get, the more lazy fitting and sizing gets.

Honestly, if I were wealthy, I'd probably spend a reasonably hefty chunk of cash on clothes. Some of that impractical art fashion stuff that you only see on runways in Europe. You wouldn't even be able to tell whether or not my clothes were sexed in any way because the sheer number of angles would put out your eye if you came within ten feet of me.


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25 Jul 2013, 4:53 am

Lezoah wrote:
I wouldn't say there's anything wrong about liking the clothes of the opposite sex in any way. Especially for guys, I can see the appeal of women's clothing from an aesthetic standpoint. You tend to get softer fabrics, there's a lot more attention to form, there's a greater variety... of course, the drawbacks pretty effectively counterbalance that. Mainly, the prices for what amount of fabric you're actually getting. Paying double digits for a shirt you pretty much have to layer to not feel naked while wearing. The attention to form only comes with a high price tag, and the further away from model-specific couture you get, the more lazy fitting and sizing gets.

Honestly, if I were wealthy, I'd probably spend a reasonably hefty chunk of cash on clothes. Some of that impractical art fashion stuff that you only see on runways in Europe. You wouldn't even be able to tell whether or not my clothes were sexed in any way because the sheer number of angles would put out your eye if you came within ten feet of me.

Haha, I'm like you, but the opposite sex.

Although I don't really cross dress (just occasionally wear men's shirts and jackets) I've always had fixation with men's clothes. It's more durable, comfortable and I love the clean lines. It started when I was little and I'd watch period dramas with men in Regency and Victorian costume. Then I got into the 60s and loved the whole dandyish 'looking like a member of The Kinks' thing. I used to go to vintage shops and instead of buying the dresses and handbags like other girls, I'd go and buy the frilly and psychedelic-print shirts and hunting jackets. Then I got more into the mod side of things and spent too much time picking walking around the Fred Perry and Ben Sherman departments in shops ogling the tailored shirts and drainpipes. Whenever I see a scooter-boy now with the button-down shirt and desert boots, I still feel a twinge of jealousy.

Then there's punk, which I can sort of do because it's a bit unisex anyway. I can still, as a girl, buy a blazer or a leather jacket and stick a load of studs, chains, safety pins, badges, paint, etc on it and not be cross-dressing. I'm not into the whole looking-like-the-cast-of-Cabaret-meets-a-dominatrix end of female punk fashion. Too uncomfortable and not really me. I do the whole Siouxsie make-up thing sometimes, though.

If I had a s**t tonne of money and was thin enough, I'd buy loads of Armani suits and customise the crap out of them. Then I'd get my hair cropped (androgyny only really looks good when you're thin and I'm not.) I'd also buy some of the catwalk art haute couture crap because, like you said, that stuff is so weird it's quite androgynous, anyway. I'd totally wear all those ridiculous hats and jackets with bits of metal and fabric sticking out for several feet around me. I'd walk down the street looking like some kind of alien species or a time traveler from the future - then I'd go and buy some fish and chips and eat them on a park bench dressed like that (if the clothes enabled me to sit down.) Not too often though, as I'd need to stay thin to keep it up. :lol:

What do you think of the whole Blitz-kid thing from the 80s?


People are so boring and gender-role conforming with street fashion these days!

I am really quite fat and poor right now, so I wear what I can afford that flatters me. I started doing a bit more customization to express myself as I try to lose weight (which is happening slowly.) Like I said though, if I had the money I'd go mental and do 80s club style weird s**t with clothes, but I wouldn't try to look sexy in a feminine way because I am basically quite an androgynous person on the inside.

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31 Jul 2013, 11:09 pm

Sydneyfccorey wrote:
hi guys please don't make fun of me but I am a man and i fancy womens shoes, flats, heels and others etc, does anyone else have this stupid obsession/fetish?

my goodness there are millions of men that like to wear female clothing! Sorry in your comment it just sounded like you thought you were the only one in the world who feels that way.
I'm actually a trans guy in-the-closet, meaning since most no one in my family knows that I'm transgender I'm pretty much stuck with just crossdressing in male clothes. Cargo jeans, blue jeans, graphic t-shirts and thin jackets are awesome. No body seems to mind about it at least until they find out that I wear boxers. That's when I get the look. Pff

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05 Aug 2013, 12:39 am

I also have an obsession with opposite clothing, because I identify as male. There's also an interesting twist to that obsession, because I like to dress the way that The Kinks did in the 60s. Mick Avory in particular. What might have been seen as masculine in the 60s when women still wore dresses most of the time, might be seen as unisex today.

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06 Aug 2013, 1:43 am

Although for the most part I dress in clothing representative of my sex (female), there's a part of me that has a slight fixation with crossdressing, both for myself and other women. I remember being mildly turned on once when I ran out of my own underwear and had to dig into an unopened package of men's briefs that was meant for my dad. I have tried all different kinds of underwear since then, but nothing compares to a pair of men's briefs. Furthermore, I am very attracted to women who dress in suits or men's period costumes, and also crossplay - "crossdressing cosplay" and sometimes wish that I could dress that way too.


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06 Aug 2013, 7:56 am

^ I cross-played as Godot once :P

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15 Oct 2013, 2:10 pm

IdahoRose wrote:
I remember being mildly turned on once when I ran out of my own underwear and had to dig into an unopened package of men's briefs that was meant for my dad. I have tried all different kinds of underwear since then, but nothing compares to a pair of men's briefs.

Try Hanes' new line of "Boyfriend" boxer briefs for women. They're a cotton blend with wide elastic band at the top, with closed seams in front where fly would normally be. Very comfortable, with the added bonus of no panty line under your clothing. I recently paid $10 U.S. on sale at Target for a 4-pack. Love, love, love them! Went back and bought 12! LOL I think Wal-mart carries them, too, but their price is higher.

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14 Nov 2013, 12:26 am

Chariot wrote:
IdahoRose wrote:
I remember being mildly turned on once when I ran out of my own underwear and had to dig into an unopened package of men's briefs that was meant for my dad. I have tried all different kinds of underwear since then, but nothing compares to a pair of men's briefs.

Try Hanes' new line of "Boyfriend" boxer briefs for women. They're a cotton blend with wide elastic band at the top, with closed seams in front where fly would normally be. Very comfortable, with the added bonus of no panty line under your clothing. I recently paid $10 U.S. on sale at Target for a 4-pack. Love, love, love them! Went back and bought 12! LOL I think Wal-mart carries them, too, but their price is higher.

Thanks for the heads-up! I will definitely look into that :mrgreen: