I am personally not a Christian, though I was raised Episcopalian. My understanding is that the way homosexuality is treated in contemporary Christianity is far, far, overblown compared to its representation in the Bible and relative to other offenses, and this attention is much more political than religious in nature. Can you be gay and treat others with respect and kindness, worship God, do good works, help the less fortunate, and contribute to your community? Yes, absolutely. Can you do those things while leading a lonely, loveless, sexless, existence? I don't really think so. Most of the people I know who believe gay relationships or gay sex will damn you to Hell believe that because they think the act itself of homosexuality corrupts your soul, and therefore prevents you from doing other good things. That's just not true. The world is full of good gay people, Christian or not, so clearly it doesn't inherently make you a bad person. I would argue that what does corrupt your soul like a festering wound is a lifetime of pretending to be a person you're not or simply denying yourself happiness and the potential for honest partnerships, pleasure, a family, etc. Is it more of a sin to act as God made you, or to live a lie, continuously denying the truth of the person God created out of pure goodness and omniscience?