RedStar98 wrote:
"Why does homosexuality/Why do gay people exist?"
Our intrinsic human social structure, at its base, is formulated around dealing with a tribe of around 24 humans, 12 of each gender, which constituted the ideal tribe size for survival and sustainability, back when we were a tribal species. Statistics say that around 5-10% of men are gay, which, as it turns out, is very close to 1 in 12.
So, assuming that being gay is an evolutionary trait, why would we want 1 out of those 12 males in our ideal tribe to be a fan of his fellow men?
As best as evolutionary anthropologists can figure, because that one man will be unimpeded by the need for procreation. As an individual without any direct offspring of his own, if another member of the tribe that has children is struck dead, the gay man is by default unattached to any children and can fill the void left by the dead father or mother by raising the orphaned children as his own.
In short, surprisingly, homosexual adoption is intended by human nature, and is likely the entire reason homosexuality exists in the first place.