coffeebean wrote:
What's the difference between some of these options, such as trans female and trans woman and agender (without gender) and androgynous (which I know as a word that describes someone who doesn't appear male or female, which has to do with appearance/behavior and not identity)?
I'm all for being able to say both, none, sometimes this and sometimes that, or I have this body but am actually that, etc, but this is kind of ridiculous. 56 just sounds like making up new distinctions.

Sometimes this sometimes that - it was my impression that was what gender fluid or Bi gender meant
They have fifty freaking options. I thought it was a great thing for some of my friends who really wanted to be able to inform people of status - or those (I know several) for whom Female/Male simply does not apply. I think it is a great thing for them.
but for me - I am not about to discuss personal medical conditions that way with the whole world - that seems to me like adding Schizophrenic/Depression/whatever as a part of profile even - all of this stuff is personal to me.
Even who I am interested in is set to "me only" on Facebook. My friends know and that is fine.
?The first duty of a human being is to assume the right functional relationship to society--more briefly, to find your real job, and do it.? - Charlotte Perkins Gilman
"There never was a good war, or a bad peace." - Benjamin Franklin