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03 Jul 2014, 10:52 am

I haven't read much that being Trans could be more common in some families. I'm interested in this topic out of personal reasons. I'm a Transman and had name change, surgery and I'm taking testosterone. My family is very conservative and not very open, so they needed their time to get used to it. Now my cousin had "his" coming out. He's a Transman too and also wants to go the way of transitioning. I still need to have time to get used to it, I just found out two days ago. So since then I'm asking myself is Trans* more common in some families? 8O

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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03 Jul 2014, 12:04 pm

I know some families with trans siblings.. though I'm the only one in my family and don't think there's any known in my extended family.. hmm..


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03 Jul 2014, 4:12 pm

Hey cubeyz,

Thanks for your response. :)
It's interesting that you know some families with Trans siblings. I've never come across such a family, but I've to say in my country Trans just starts to gets recognised more, but it's still a stigma, even under psychiatrists. It's still very common to get misdiagnosed with BPD or delusion or even schizophrenia, when you go to a normal psychiatrist and tell them you feel in the "wrong body". It also happened to me. But luckily there are experts in this area and now after I've transitioned, no one doubts it anymore. :D

Actually my mom told me that my aunt had an episode where she talked about how it would be living as a male when she was younger. But she never transitioned or did anything and I dunno how serious it was, since my aunt never talked about it herself to me. Actually my aunt was even the person who was totally against the fact of me transitioning and even broke up the contact after I did. Sadly she is my cousins mom. 8O
My aunt would have revered it to see me looked away in psychiatric care, than transitioning and even told my mom and wanted to influence her that she gets me looked away in the psychiatry or anything, just to stop me from transitioning. 8O
I dunno what's going on with her, or why she reacts so extreme, but it feel sorry for my cousin thinking about it, but my aunt doesn't know yet.

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03 Jul 2014, 6:24 pm

My paternal uncle's gay, but that's all I know about LGBT in my family.

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03 Jul 2014, 10:49 pm

beneficii wrote:
My paternal uncle's gay, but that's all I know about LGBT in my family.

Another cousin of mine is gay, but I suspect it's not connected in any way to me being Trans. Because first of all being gay is a lot more common than being Trans and second of all, besides that, he is my only gay relative I'm aware of. :D

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06 Jul 2014, 12:18 pm

The heritability of gender identity disorder in a child and adolescent twin sample.

No idea which way they go, though (M2F or F2M, or both). I think they might have discovered something genetic re. F2M before, but I can't remember exactly.