LostWayfinder wrote:
I am a heterosexual, cissexual male. I guess that makes me straight. Problem: The usual straight courtship model blows right past me. It seems contrived, unevolved, and savage. Everyone is in a state of false consciousness, pursuing the hottest or richest bachelor, traiting each other like crap, and throwing up sundry ambiguous rules that the neurodiverse are not clued in on. I also hate inequality and injustice in all its forms so I am an LGBTQIA ally.
Performing heterosexuality outside the standard, capitalist, heteronormative model needs a word: straightqueer.
I can strongly relate to you. I'm bisexual and prefer the opposite sex more.
I might act very masculine and straight (people have no clue/idea about my bisexualness) but the reality is I absolutely despise the gender roles/rules society has put into place just because I'm male.
Things are worst when you are in your 20s. People always have one-night stands and get "wasted"; full of drugs or alcohol.
Heterosexual NT's just fail to value relationships for what they are but also social dating for how it should be.
I am curious though in what you mean when you say "straight courtship model"? What exaclty are you trying to say?