Reigh wrote:
The problem is that in order to make sense of things, humans have a both useful and awful habit of categorizing things. This also applies to sexuality. For example, there's a show that I watch and a character made a comment about how societal biases codify attraction.
Well, she was right. When she was saying this, she was likely speaking of how people often expect that everyone is heterosexual until they say or do things suggesting otherwise. However, this also happens within the LGBT community when some individuals seem to have the belief that you can only be either straight or gay/lesbian.
In my experience (granted I can only speak of women in this case), it seems that some lesbian women are t prejudice toward bisexual women, not because they actually have a problem with bisexuality itself, but because they are insecure in their ability to keep the bisexual woman satisfied. Whether this satisfaction is of an emotional or physical nature, their major concern is that the bi woman will inevitably leave them for a man at some point.
Heterosexuals seem simply confused by bisexuality. Some have a difficult enough time understanding how someone can be attracted to their own sex, let alone both sexes. In regards to these type of people-actually in both cases- it is simply a matter ignorance. People are just not informed and don't have the initiative or drive to seek out the answers they need in order to understand.
So, the next time someone makes you feel guilty for being bisexual, just keep in mind that the real issue is their own self confidence/a lack of information. It has nothing to do with you and who you are as a person.
That was a fantastic reply. Really top tier.
"Power is the reason that we all are fighting for, control your body, your soul and heart. Yes- some of us who surrender are like lambs to the slaughter; get the power & try harder to reach the next stage."