Skibz888 wrote:
beneficii wrote:
Let's just say I'm a trans person who is reaching "peak trans."
You're a trans person reaching the peak of transphobia. Honestly, some of the comments I've seen coming from you I hear more from the likes of anti-trans bigots than I do actual trans people. Sometimes I have a few choice words of my own about the gay community and culture, but they're nowhere near to the extent of things you say time and time again on this website. At least, that's just the impression I'm continually getting from you.
Ah, yes, there's that word again: Transphobia.
What I've grown increasingly disgusted about is the actions of some in the trans community that are given a pass in the community, namely trans people who have taken no medical steps toward transition trying to get into opposite sex spaces, trying to say that somebody born with a penis was always a woman or somebody born with a vagina was always a man, the disregard for the concerns of women and girls regarding privacy, being ready to pull out the word "transphobia" whenever anyone expresses views opposing the goals of the trans community, the truly hateful tactics by trans activists verses opponents like mentioned in the OP where the trans person basically cheers on a woman having been raped, my own hateful actions toward opponents of goals the trans community has (such as funding sex reassignment), and many other things.
That is part of why I have reached trans peak.
"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin