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31 Jan 2015, 4:54 pm

Why is it that when I post about my distress of not having financial access to SRS, other trans people are critical of me, saying that I'm just wanting attention, wanting a pity party, and not being productive, but when I say the same thing about others who complain about lack of access, I'm the one who gets criticized for being mean and transphobic?

I guess the trans community just has it out for me.

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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01 Feb 2015, 1:41 pm

The trans* community is funny, they're highly defensive and quite willing to attack others. I tend to stay away from it, even though it's hard because very few people both in and out of the trans* community get what I mean, they all have their limited views of what one should be and what they should do and stick to them.

I understand why it is, but still doesn't make it correct for them to do so. In my personal opinion, people should listen and try to understand more, rather than attack, be a curmudgeon etc, but I guess we've got a while to go before that happens.


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01 Feb 2015, 4:50 pm

Perhaps the problem is your idea of the "trans* community". Can you point to any single person who has actually said what you claim they've said? Or are you talking about different people saying those two things, which is to be expected anyway..?


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01 Feb 2015, 5:50 pm

All of the trans* people I have personally known have been very sensitive and quick to go on the defensive against people who disagreed with their opinions, no matter what those opinions addressed, and even if is those conflicting opinions were held by other trans* people. It was as if only their personal perspectives were real, and that everyone else was trying to make them look like fools.


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01 Feb 2015, 7:28 pm

Fnord wrote:
All of the trans* people I have personally known have been very sensitive and quick to go on the defensive against people who disagreed with their opinions, no matter what those opinions addressed, and even if is those conflicting opinions were held by other trans* people. It was as if only their personal perspectives were real, and that everyone else was trying to make them look like fools.

low self-esteem is common among trans people, so your conflicting opinions may feel like you are trying to further beat them down

catch up with these people twenty years later, after they had time to develop, and be comfortable, and they may not be so sensitive


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01 Feb 2015, 8:37 pm

I sure hope so. Most of them are otherwise pretty nice.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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03 Feb 2015, 12:51 am

I've heard the argument that earning the financial means to afford SRS is a part of becoming your desired sex, because you "worked for it." I completely disagree with this, though.

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