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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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16 Jan 2015, 12:28 am

I've heard from one of my sisters that the other sister's son (6 yr.) has wanted his nails painted.

I've heard of celebrity boy kids having their nails painted.

What is up with this?

Do these kids eventually become transgender? Or is it just a fad?

When I was growing up I was always very comfortable being male. Nail polish was something for the ladies, not me.

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16 Jan 2015, 11:57 am

"Become transgender"? Srsly?

Nail polish is... well, it's nail polish, it's not intrinsically gendered. It *is* possible for straight, cisgendered boys to where it...


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16 Jan 2015, 5:18 pm

I wore nail polish when I was younger because I thought it was cool to do so, it has nothing to do with gender.

Look at the amount of punk, emo and goth scenes that wear it, it's nothing to be ashamed of.


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16 Jan 2015, 6:10 pm

There are a lot of stops on the gender spectrum between cisgender and transgender. Just because a man wears nail polish doesn't mean that he has even decided to leave the cisgender station. Others might be indulging in self expression for any one of a thousand reasons. Some may be a little (or a lot) genderqueer.

And that's adult men. When we consider boys, whose sense of self is nowhere nearly as strongly defined, there may be no more reason to want to wear nail polish than, "it looks nice." Which is, after all, a pretty good reason.



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16 Jan 2015, 7:21 pm

Wearing nail polish doesn't mean you aren't male.

I have a piano student who came in a few weeks in a row with shiny gold nails. AFAIK he is happy being a boy.

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16 Jan 2015, 7:49 pm

Don't Goth guys paint their nails?

Tufted Titmouse
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16 Jan 2015, 8:14 pm

You can't "become transgender", just like you can't become Autistic...

I think it's perfectly fine for anyone to wear nail polish. It's just another thing to groom and impress people with. Nail art has really taken off recently, so I see no trouble in guys joining in on the fun! :)

I, to be honest, don't really paint my nails. When I do, it's usually just black, clear or this really cool galaxy colour I got in Penneys (primark).


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24 Jan 2015, 3:34 pm

Just because a boy is wearing nail polish, doesn't mean to say he's transgender.
Nail polish is a gender neutral product however SOCIETY says it's for girls. Wearing a product doesn't make you transgender. I mean I wear stereotypically men's boots but it doesn't mean to say I think I'm a boy. Please look up the correct terms if you're going to say something.


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27 Jan 2015, 4:24 am

Sounds like a pretty innocent kid thing to me. Who cares if a 6yo boy wants his nails painted? Maybe he thinks it looks good, maybe he wants to look good like his mom/sister/friend. Doesn't really matter why, IMO, because it seems pretty innocent to me and isn't necessarily indicative of sexual anything - orientation etc. Besides, behaviour like that doesn't cause one's sexual orientation or gender identity. Those things just.. are. Maybe he's gay, maybe he's straight. Maybe he idolizes rock stars w/ painted nails. Maybe he just doesn't see painted nails as a gender specific thing and doesn't care what you or anyone else thinks of him wanting them?

I know some straight guys in their 30's that have painted their nails off and on throughout their lives - coloured their hair, too. Musicians, mostly. It suits them ok.

My gay friend's younger (also gay) brother painted his nails black a month or two ago on a whim. It's not my style at all so I wouldn't do it, but it looked fine on him. *shrug* to each their own.

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10 Feb 2015, 10:35 am

Speaking as a guy who likes a lot of stereotypically "feminine" things, I would love :heart: to be able to wear
nail polish now and then without anyone making a big deal about it. Some women like wearing nail polish,
some don't; why is it such a big surprise that while most men aren't interested in nail polish, there might
be some men that like the idea?

Lots of men aren't all that interested in what they wear, and just want to fit in with everyone else. As a
result, men's fashion tends to be fairly static and utilitarian for the most part. Apparently most men are
fine with this, but others (like me) find it excruciatingly dull.

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10 Feb 2015, 12:50 pm

Lol, no wearing nail polish will not make you gay or transgendered. That's just silly.
I used to wear it all the time in high school (the 80's). Usually black, sometimes crazy glittery stuff. They now make polish specifically for men, it has a matte finish instead of shiny. Not sure how that makes it more for men, but whatever:)
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14 Feb 2015, 10:16 am

Nail polish doesn't have a gender. It's just paint for finger/toenails that's been given the assignment of being a feminine product. Wearing it doesn't make you any less of a man, any more of a woman or change your sexual orientation. I have some in my room that I've tried on out of curiosity. My conclusion: Ruby red is definitely not my color.


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14 Feb 2015, 10:20 pm

It's just nail polish, nothing to do with gender. Also it's common for little boys who are around mothers or older sisters a lot to want to play with makeup etc, the way the older gals do. To them it's an older kid or grownup thing, not a girl thing.

Also, emo guys and goth guys wear black nail polish fairly often. I've seen it a lot. I've seen many with eyeliner too. The only personal experience I've had of guys actually wearing eyeliner or any makeup though are as follows; In the 9th grade this one really stuck up jock in my class had gotten beat up recently and it was picture day so he got his sister to put makeup on him to cover his bruises. In the early 80's I was hanging out with a lot of folks in the punk scene and there was always that one guy hanging around with eyeliner on one eye and the nickname "Snoopy". One time when I was married to my ex husband and we were staying at his dad's house and his brother was out of prison and home at the time, he and his friend Bobby Snow had got real high and drunk the night before and passed out on the couch. My ex's little brother who was about 12 at the time and I got my makeup out of my purse and put a full face makeup on those guys who were passed out on the couch. Hard hitting criminals, just out of the can there. They woke up and immediately went tot he liquor store without looking at each other closely or looking in the mirror. The little brother and I left before they got back, but I hear s**t hit the fan when they got back. LOL!

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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15 Feb 2015, 4:57 am

I have worn clear nail polish for around 20 years and very few people have ever said anything about it. I use it as a nail hardener, besides I dont like short nails.