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15 May 2015, 12:53 pm

I moved this topic...

Well, I had a "fight" with a huge psychiatric clinic in my city for entire 4 1/2 years. It was about my ftm-transsexualism (we use here the ICD-10), but also other stuff. Back then, when I had to do with this hospital, they even did send stuff to my insurance that they think that I propably don't have transsexualism. Because of that I had a lot more difficulties going my way as a transsexual person and this did cost me thousands of dollars. Well, after years, I could sort it all out and found doctors who support me, got my name change, had a mastectomy, a hysterectomy and annextomy and this summer I'll have a phalloplastic and I take hormones since years. Still, the psychiatry didn't wanted to admit that they made a mistake, because they wrote that I propably don't have transsexualism, but something else instead (the funny thing is, that they weren't sure what else instead, once it was a delusion and another time it was borderline PD and so on...).
I just couldn't stop, fighting, what had several consequences:
1) I could sort it all out and even my insurance supported me in the end
2) I found doctors who supported me
3) I just couldn't stop fighting about this matter with the psychiatry :oops:

Well, it all ended that I wanted to take a lawyer, mainly because they did send documents to my insurance in the past were they weren't legally allowed to and I told them that it's ridicules, that they still question my transsexualism, even after my name change being two years ago and so on and that not only my doctors and my current psychiatrist, but even my insurance support me now and think that the psychiatry is wrong. A long time I didn't hear anything from then, but suddenly I got an email from the deputy director of this psychiatry, that they wouldn't question my transsexualism anymore. 8O
Just like that, via email. :?

I'm kind of happy that it's all over now and that also they accept my transsexualism now, BUT I don't think it's sincere to just "diagnose" me via email like that and I don't know what to think about it and why they acted the way they did!? :?

"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen


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15 May 2015, 2:05 pm

Congratulations! It's finally over. Well, they were forced to admit they were wrong.

I think they did realize that they were wrong at quite an early stage. But most "professionals" are very proud people and they can't easily admit they are wrong because it hurts their pride. Also there can be pretty serious professional and financial consequences if they admit they made a mistake. They probably thought you would eventually give up. In that sense they are quite unethical. Any way, are they going to compensate you for your financial loss?

Good to see you again, Raziel.


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15 May 2015, 2:44 pm

Hello jk1, :D

I'm glad to see you again too. :)
Btw, this funny thing on my a avatar is my cat, when she was a kitten and I thought it's kind of a funny pic. :lol:

jk1 wrote:
Congratulations! It's finally over. Well, they were forced to admit they were wrong.

I think they did realize that they were wrong at quite an early stage. But most "professionals" are very proud people and they can't easily admit they are wrong because it hurts their pride.

I also think it was mostly about their pride. :twisted:

Also there can be pretty serious professional and financial consequences if they admit they made a mistake. They probably thought you would eventually give up. In that sense they are quite unethical. Any way, are they going to compensate you for your financial loss?

No and it wouldn't make much sence fighting about it actually. :roll:
Even though they told me, they wouldn't question my transsexualism anymore, here in good old Europe the chances of getting money from this hospital are minimal. The only thing I could do, is trying to sort it out with my insurance, now where they also support me, but also here the chances are better, but not that good. The best thing I can so, is forget about it (but that's not that easy after all :oops: ).
I just would have been glad, if they would have acted more professional, also in the end. Like making it more official that they also recognise my transsexualism now and don't question it and so on. I still think it's not a very professional way to do that in an email.

"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen


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27 May 2015, 9:20 pm

People say that transgenders are more accepted, but honestly, I don't think so. The media portrays us, kind of like freaks, and doctors see it as a disease to be solved.

Congrats though! I hope you are more comfortable, if that's the right word.

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