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10 Jul 2015, 8:29 pm

First off, i apologize for any vulgarity, but I'm really stressed. My boyfriend just called after 6 weeks of his dual diagnoses inpatient treatment after i told him that i couldn't take him back if he didn't take his meds. That's 6 weeks since i told him and he bothered to call me. He was there 4 weeks at that time. He convinced them his was bipolar and not schizophrenic. He just called and i told him to only call back when he schedules a personal visit. Did i just f**k up?


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10 Jul 2015, 10:27 pm

Sounds to me more like you set some difficult but healthily boundaries.

I'm sorry for the turmoil I'm sure this is causing.


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18 Aug 2015, 12:03 am

Um, no you did NOT screw up! Someone who has schizophrenia (as you imply he does, not bipolar) HAS to take his meds. I would certainly not recommend being in a relationship with someone who had it and was unmedicated. Nothing against schizophrenics, it just is a serious disorder and the disordered thinking and paranoia (two possible symptoms among many) interfere with the activities of daily life and with social relationships. And hygeine. :P

If he doesn't take his meds, to paraphrase Princess Diana, there's three of you in the, him, and the voice(s) in his head! :roll:


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26 Aug 2015, 12:24 pm

I am happy to report he is out of rehab, taking his meds, and almost a new person. We have obviously been reconnecting on many levels after 4.5 months, but he is once again the outgoing, happy, caring person I first met and fell in love with. He has plans for the future once again, including our marriage :heart: . And yes, he finally realizes how important his meds are to this future. :D Not so sure about the piercings he's gotten now, but that seems a generational thing I think, and the 2 he got actually look good.


Quetiapine 300mg Morning
Quetiapine 100mg Night
Depakote 1500mg Night
Sertaline 75mg 2xDaily
Bupropion 100mg 2xDaily
Gabapentin 600mg Morning
Gabapentin 300mg Night

Imagine my therapist's embarrassment when it turned out they really were after me.;)


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27 Aug 2015, 1:05 am

Might want to occasionally wander over to schizophrenic-dot-com, lots of practical info & a forum. Also, glad he & your life are stable again! :)

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―Carl Sagan