I'm not in a relationship, but have had no difficulty meeting guys and have had many interested in dating me.. only the feeling wasn't mutual. The few I've wanted haven't been interested in me in that way. Still waiting for the right mutual spark before getting into a relationship. Now that I'm healthier, happier, wealthier etc I feel like I'm a much better candidate for a relationship than ever.. so when it happens, it happens. I'm 32, btw. I've passed the time with more than my fair share of hookups over the years lol but now I can't be bothered with that and am more interested in going on dates, so, that's what I'm going to do.
A friend of mine, also on the spectrum, was in a long term relationship for several years, then broke up & spent 4 years or so solo. I met him during that time. He spent his time on himself and his interests, and friends/family. He, too, is the type that really needs to know someone before dating. He's finally recently started dating one of his friends he used to have a thing with many years ago. It's pretty awesome. If he was never going to be attracted to me in that way & I had to choose one of his friends for him to date, the one he's with is my first choice.
Anyways, my point about him is that he's been extremely patient and spent a lot of time just hanging out with friends etc vs. hookups or very many dates. I recommend you make some friends first and foremost. Maybe you'll have a relationship grow out of a friendship, or meet someone via one of your new friends. Don't set your sights on meeting a partner, just set your sights on meeting people and making friends - the rest will come later when it's meant to and you're ready for it, even if it takes a few years.

for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.