I was only ever on pill for short time to realise how much it messes with my body. The injection I used before pregnancy and it's being such a relief to me, not having periods had set me free, as a person I was so happy and able to focus on better things. It's personal decision, I try to recommend this to aspies but it's not for everyone, some women are in tune with themselves.
I battled my whole life, I don't dance well, small talk is difficult, and sex is intense. For me taking my clothes off is hightened social Selena and I'm happier to take walks on beach than to parade around in bikini. I don't see emotional connection in sex, I'm numb and I just observe and more pressure placed on me causes imbalances such as wanting a-sexual sex change. I watch animals and I'm repulsed by reproductive system, it's archaic.
Being female I tend not to give my opinion or upset people but I'm tired of people placing the family expectations on me.
I've met pretentious gay people who I am confused by, but I've met some genuine gays who are nicest people, and it's never being often that I ever felt relaxed with people.
Asexual women need independence, need to not be picked up by guys, need freedom type jobs. I'm not bossy, but some workplaces just kill my muse. I wish people stop judging what they don't understand.