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10 Jun 2011, 6:22 pm

Are you a straight guy who is considered "feminine" by others? I am. But I've always been like that.


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10 Jun 2011, 7:46 pm

I'm not a guy, nor am I effeminate, but I do know that they have an easier time getting dates. I think it has to do with being able to relate better to the opposite sex.

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11 Jun 2011, 1:58 am

rabidmonkey4262 wrote:
I'm not a guy, nor am I effeminate, but I do know that they have an easier time getting dates. I think it has to do with being able to relate better to the opposite sex.

I'm kind of effeminate straight guy & women are NOT attracted to that least not in me. Only people interested in me are gay guys

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11 Jun 2011, 8:47 am

Gay guys always think that my husband is gay. Well, not so much now that we have a family, but when we were younger. I don't find him particularly feminine, but he's not overly masculine. He's an aspie as well, so perhaps it's that "inbetween" thing. He has a "boyfriend" who lives nearby though, and comes around frequently to show off his cute puppies and flirt. LOL.

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11 Jun 2011, 3:47 pm

I feel so feminine that I'm trying to become a woman.


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11 Jun 2011, 4:03 pm

kittylover wrote:
I feel so feminine that I'm trying to become a woman.

Hey I hope it goes well for you! :D

I'm not transgendered, I'm actually quite happy with being a man but I really don't act the part sometimes. I have alot of non-macho interests xD


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11 Jun 2011, 10:12 pm

I was born in a female body, but I'm a man. Being raised female has given me some feminine habits, but I think I'd be a feminine straight man even if I was born in the proper body. I love musical theatre.

I hope I can one day find a girl, but I have the added problem of the fact that I don't have male plumbing and most straight girls want that.

Transgender. Call me 'he' please. I'm a guy.
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17 Jun 2011, 11:02 pm

Yes an effeninate, I think it runs in my family as my grandfather and his father were from what I know of were also effeminate and had masculine females for wifes. I use to be asexual then I became heterosexual, I personally class my orientation as lesbian as sometimes feel like am a woman in man's body

I have more female friends (physically speaking) than male, tho masculine females are the only group that I have an attraction to for sexual relationships plus masculine females find me attractive.


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17 Jun 2011, 11:27 pm

I've always had a crush for guys who were from slight to extremely effeminate. I was really good friends with one guy who said he felt like a female trapped in a male's body. He didn't cross dress and tried to remain as he was. We were best friends for a long time. He passed away a couple of years ago from a drug overdose. I'm not sure if it was intentional or not. He had been doing a lot of the overdosing before it led up to his death. He was only 23. I know some of his family knew about it and were not very supportive of him. It still bothers me to this day. Not sure if I could've done anything or not but it still bothers me.

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18 Jun 2011, 3:07 am

Personally I feel like a dude in a dudes body, I've always been comfortable with my gender. Other people just tell me that I have "feminine" characteristics and mannerisms... I guess it's just because I'm more sensitive to other guys. And I like cute things xD


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08 Jul 2011, 3:44 am

i'm a "versatile" man in a half-female body [in terms of having wide hips, big thighs and butt, narrow waist, slender arms, long neck] and with effeminate mannerisms, since an early age. both men and women are creeped out by my "pat"-ness. i had to try to grow a beard and mustache to be more plainly male but that only grossed people out even more.

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08 Jul 2011, 1:51 pm

nick007 wrote:
rabidmonkey4262 wrote:
I'm not a guy, nor am I effeminate, but I do know that they have an easier time getting dates. I think it has to do with being able to relate better to the opposite sex.

I'm kind of effeminate straight guy & women are NOT attracted to that least not in me. Only people interested in me are gay guys

I have a friend that used to claim that she was a "gay guy trapped in a woman"'s body, because all that she dated were all feminine guys that at the end would tell her that they are gay and break up with her. I think you guys can make good friends.


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15 Jul 2011, 5:36 pm

Yeah, I'm effeminate. Kind of. I'm also coldly logical and physically strong.

I've had a lot of confusion during my life about whether I was gay, straight, bisexual, transgendered, asexual, androgynous, etc.

I'd agree it helps with relationships with women, though. I'd say that most of the girlfriends I've had picked up on my effeminate qualities and that that played a part in their attraction. I don't know, though. I never really explicitly discussed that with any of them.

The funny thing is that I could fit into practically any role just fine, it's just that I'm not really naturally predisposed to any.

I try not to worry about it too much and haven't really ever found any kind of term that would encompass whatever I am.

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22 Jul 2011, 3:42 am

I am certainly very effeminate. However, I'm also pretty asexual as well.


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22 Jul 2011, 8:51 am

ScientistOfSound wrote:
Are you a straight guy who is considered "feminine" by others? I am. But I've always been like that.

It seems that most ultra-macho, testosterone-poisoned, Alpha-male Neanderthals consider anyone other than themselves as effeminate. This is sorta like the Bush-era Neocons calling anyone who wasn't one of their own an "Enemy of the State". It all depends on the perspective of the person making the judgment.

One of my favorite pick-up lines was to "confess" that I was a butch lesbian trapped in a man's body.


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12 Aug 2011, 1:02 am

I would say so, at least concerning the traditional view of feminity. I hate sports and cars. I'm quiet, not loud (except in debates). I used to play dolls and dress-up with my little sisters. I like 'girly' things like sewing, baking, reading, and nature. While I look very manly, I care about my appearence. I like cleanliness and can't stand being dirty. I get very emotional at times and cry at sad parts in movies or video games (not usually though). I'm very shy and passive (but again, not in debates). In relationships, I like it when the girl leads (haven't had one in a very long time though and probably won't have one anytime soon). I'm highly religious and care about saving my virginity for marriage. However, I hate shopping and fashion. Bleh. I think that's it.