Okay so to give some background about me, I'm 20 years old, female, in university, and on the spectrum. I also have GAD, (generalized anxiety disorder,) a learning disability which isn't really relevant here, and mild depression. Lately I've been facing a lot of confusion about my sexuality. After a long summer of anxiety, depression, solitude and soul-searching, I determined, and was able to come to accept the fact that I'm attracted to women, but I've also realized that I could be interested in guys too, but in a way that's different, like I'm attracted to guys' personalities, and in the more casual sense I might be attracted or at least amenable to going a bit further with a guy, (trying not to be graphic here, lol,) but it's not like I just see a guy and am attracted in that way, maybe if he were like a male model and had a very, very specific look, but not like normally like how it is with girls.
So I guess that's my first issue, (yeah this is gonna be a long one, I don't blame anybody that doesn't want to read through all of this, lol!)
Anyway, my second issue is that I am having a very difficult time accepting a queer identity of any sort. I thought that accepting being attracted to girls would just automatically make being LGBTQ a part of my identity, but it seems like it won't be so simple for me. I have already come out to most of my close friends and family, and even begun going to on-campus LGBTQ events, but I feel so out of place, like all these other girls have just always known, but I didn't, and in a way I feel like I almost still don't. Like I'm at this weird halfway point where I can't go back to "being straight" because I already know I'm not, but I'm not quite "queer" either, even though I know I am. It's causing me so much anxiety that I keep doing the same "sexuality tests," flirting and such excessively with girls on online dating sites, and taking part in other behaviours to constantly reassure myself and solidify this identity before I start to freak out again.
My third issue is that I think I may also be on the ace spectrum. I'm a little fuzzy on the concept of attraction, and although I have no personal experience, certain specific aspects of sex kind of ick me out in the things I've seen, (again not trying to be graphic here.) I have these overwhelming feelings of being an imposter or somehow "faking it for attention" although I know that I can't be, because if I were I would know it, or slightly more plausibly, becoming addicted to my own anxiety, and coming up with new things about my sexuality to worry about all the time because it's a quality source of worry. Anyway all of those imposter feelings are made even worse by my realizing that in actuality I might not even be able to, or want to go all the way with a woman. Has anybody had any similar experiences? Could being grossed out by certain... "textures" associated with sex be an Aspie thing? Any advice or input would be welcome.