I'm pretty much aromantic and asexual. I don't understand 'normal' romance and miss a ton of the cues. I can also find other people's 'normal' romance behavior confusing, obnoxious, pushy, irritating, greedy, even degrading sometimes, and often boring.
I can have attractions and platonic relationships but I don't know how to do the interactions right, so I usually fail, and have a hard time making friends, partly because of this. I think it might be possible that I have a form of mild romance or crush that is mine only and strange, with its own language that no one else can understand, and maybe a little similar to platonic in presentation. I have never felt free to be that way so I don't know much about it.
I avoid anything romantic with most people because with my lack of ability to read others, I find it dangerous and threatening to engage in. I have rarely had anyone seem interested in me. Most people seem to find me disgusting, and I've usually can't make friends for my life. But a few rare times when someone did show interest in me, I messed it all up somehow and got them raging mad and sad at me, and I didn't even know what I did. Plus I also usually don't have any interest in or time for it these things. It's way funner and safer to do my interests like art, building models, playing video games, studying, research etc.
I'm not interested in having sex, but I think about it sometimes, rarely.