Figuring out my Sexuality
Hey, so I need help. I have no idea what I'm attracted to. I am slightly attracted to women and men, but to a very small degree. I just say I'm Asexual or Bisexual, but I've never been sure.
However when someone Or myself wear certain clothes, or certain fabrics, I become very attracted, even to myself wearing them. I can't wear these clothes or fabrics in public because I become very uncomfortable and I'm unable to talk, but I get attracted to either myself or someone else when in private.
And lastly, I need help sorting this out: I know I'm going to bother some people by saying this but I've never quite understood the multiple identifications or sexes thing. I stand with the people who say there are 2 sexualities, but I think that within each of those there should be more categories because people differ from each other. So essentially, what does it mean to have multiple sexualities? How can someone be neither boy or girl, or both, or neither? I've tried asking these to people I know who are against the 2 genders only concept, but they get frustrated with me, (in fact people get frustrated with me in general when I ask them questions like this) so I'd like some help here. Do they mean physical gender, biological, psychological? I appreciate responses; Thanks
Are you attracted to the scent/texture of the clothes themselves----or the person in the clothes?
If you're only attracted to the clothes themselves, this would be considered a "fetish." Let me emphasize: as long you're not harming yourself or others, I see nothing wrong with fetishism. It's actually fairly common.
One could get aroused merely by rubbing their genitals onto a fabric. It doesn't mean you're necessarily attracted to the fabric. The arousal is caused by friction. It's a "normal" reaction.
Put simply, I believe your "sexuality" is what you are sexually attracted to most.
Your sexuality is your sexual orientation, of which there are far more than two (gay, lesbian, bi, pan, omni, ace etc.). I think perhaps you mean gender, in which case there's also more than two. Many people identify as both male and female, or as neither - they might prefer a term such as gender-fluid or gender-queer. Your gender isn't the same thing as your physical sex. I am cisgender, meaning my gender matches the sex I was born as. Others might be transgender. Someone might also be intersex, which again is different.
I don't think you necessarily need to be able to understand, just respect them and listen.
Agreed - sexual fetishism. Which as Kraftie says is mostly harmless unless of course it's harmful to someone else or to you, as in you have a problem with being aroused by the fetish. Then, sexual fetishism can be a bloody nightmare. If it doesn't bother you to be aroused that way then hell, live it up. It might help you out to have such an easy "on switch." You might be bi-attracted, but just don't have much of an interest - as mentioned in another topic here, people don't seem to believe that qualifies as asexuality because you are sexually attracted, but it seems a very grey area.
Also agreed - but sub-categories unfortunately sometimes just make things more confusing than more clear.
Because you can be genderqueer and fabulous!

I'm genderqueer in the genderless sense, if that helps. I don't have a gender - psychologically, sexually, physically, legally, socially. Am considered both transgender and transsexual since I have/am transitioning.
Am also bisexual/pansexual as I can feel sexual attraction to anyone of any gender potentially, but am not (at this point anyway) interested in having sex with another person. Some say that makes me bi-attracted asexual, but others would vehemently disagree.
What about you???
Alexithymia - 147 points.