The_Blonde_Alien wrote:
I am male-to-female transsexual and I have seriously considered gender reassignment surgery for a long time, and with it my future sex-life.
Is it possible for a transsexual to have sex with an individual? Is it like my (idiotic, naturalist) grandfather said, which consists of little to no sex partners?
Are they any men who would really have a sexual relationship with transsexual women?
Please let me know.
Thank you!~

Yes male to female transexuals can have sex, and yes there are some men who will have relationships with transexual women, however your dating pool will be significantly smaller than that of biological females.
One should not have such a major surgery, however, without being well informed on the potential complications and down sides of the surgery...for example, some people have developed fistulas that cannot be repaired, and one person decided they could not stand the sensation they were left with down there.
Also, be aware that SRS won't help you with passing in most instances. Voice training, hormones, and facial feminization surgery are far more potent as far as passing goes.
I recommend you find some counseling services to help better inform you of all of these things, and help guide you to make the right decision for you.