DailyPoutine1 wrote:
jimmyboy76453 wrote:
have you ever used a toy on yourself (the penis-shaped rubber or silicone kinds of toys)? Does that seem attractive to you, or if you've tried it, did it feel good?
No thats sick

So, you're attracted to penises, but not what they can do for you? Let me ask you, what would you do with a penis if you had one near you? Would you want to touch it? Just look at it? Watch someone else touch it? I'm not trying to sound judgmental, just trying to understand.
Is it possible you just conditioned yourself to enjoy looking at penises by watching porn? If you stopped, would you still find penises attractive?
And, to tell you the truth, it's ok to just like looking at them. Nothing is that isn't harmful is wrong or weird. Just let yourself be ok with it.
You don't need to hide, my friend, for I am just like you.