Is homosexuality a form of autism/wiring?

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12 Oct 2011, 8:56 am

I just wanna make sure that everyone is clear that I'm not trying to be offensive at all or this to be taken the wrong way. I myself am not gay, but I fully support gay rights and gay marriage.

The reason why I ask this is because there is more and more evidence that supports that people are born heterosexual or homosexual, and this is evident in MRI's.

The point is if people are wired slightly differently at birth to be attracted to members of the same sex, is that sort of like autism/asperger's, being that your brain is wired that way, and that its different from the rest of the general population?

Of course surprise, surprise gay and lesbians have faced challenges, NT's can't accept anyone different from them.

Just curious, I appreciate your input!


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12 Oct 2011, 9:04 am

I don't expect it is linked with autism in any way, but I have been thinking that homosexuality is a wiring thing for many years. Unfortunately you are always going to get people who think it is a choice when it clearly isn't. According to one study something like nearly half of women have had a feeling of some kind for another woman at some point in their life. It's just that maybe their brain worked through that and went straight. I would be very interested in a brain study of homosexuals because how can being born with a differently wired brain be a bad thing?

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12 Oct 2011, 9:10 am

I don't think there is any connection between sexual orientation and autism. In fact the challenges that homosexual people have faced are a lot different than those faced with autism. I don't see a similarity between the two.


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12 Oct 2011, 9:26 am

jackbus01 wrote:
I don't think there is any connection between sexual orientation and autism. In fact the challenges that homosexual people have faced are a lot different than those faced with autism. I don't see a similarity between the two.

I am both and I am just waiting for the critics to start quoting bible verses that autism is an abomination and others to say its a choice-they do both affect each aspect of my life as it really narrows the field of prospective companions as NT people want and look for a perfect mate,friend,hook up,FWB and my autistic characteristics show and no one wants to even talk to me or get to know me even other gay aspies-they just seem to want perfection which I am not and the people in the autistic side of my world-many would be accepting and some an quite less accepting because they have it ingrained in them by others in their life that it is a choice and an abomination. I have no idea what I possibly did to be treated by both communities as a unwanted person.

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12 Oct 2011, 9:32 am

Radiofixr wrote:
jackbus01 wrote:
I don't think there is any connection between sexual orientation and autism. In fact the challenges that homosexual people have faced are a lot different than those faced with autism. I don't see a similarity between the two.

I am both and I am just waiting for the critics to start quoting bible verses that autism is an abomination and others to say its a choice-they do both affect each aspect of my life as it really narrows the field of prospective companions as NT people want and look for a perfect mate,friend,hook up,FWB and my autistic characteristics show and no one wants to even talk to me or get to know me even other gay aspies-they just seem to want perfection which I am not and the people in the autistic side of my world-many would be accepting and some an quite less accepting because they have it ingrained in them by others in their life that it is a choice and an abomination. I have no idea what I possibly did to be treated by both communities as a unwanted person.

Ouch! I really sorry that life dealt you such a hard blow. To answer your last point you did not do ANYTHING wrong or bad to be treated in such a harsh way, and no aspie or homosexual does. Its the people that don't accept others that are the real problem, the herd mentality of many NT's (not all) who believe different is bad :(


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12 Oct 2011, 9:34 am

jackbus01 wrote:
I don't think there is any connection between sexual orientation and autism. In fact the challenges that homosexual people have faced are a lot different than those faced with autism. I don't see a similarity between the two.

Right, I just think that since both seem to be wired differently the the rest of the majority, that seems to be the similarity that I am referring to.


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12 Oct 2011, 9:36 am

Probably they are not linked. All the same, most of the people who I've met that have Asperger's are sexually "atypical" or asexual. It could just be a coincidence though. Also, I have known many people who are perfectly social and also gay / bisexual. Being ostracized is usually only something that happens when bigotry is involved.

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12 Oct 2011, 9:45 am

What is observed about their sexuality?

They may be asexual or without interest in sex, and remain so into adulthood, or, in the majority of cases, have a sexuality (like fetishism or homosexuality) which becomes expressed from an early age on, often without shame and in an exhibitionistic manner. They may never in their life have normal sexual relations or achieve a healthy, mature sexuality that is harmonically integrated with the personality.

This is of interest considering the fact that the more intelligent individuals with the Aspergoid condition are often inclined toward science or art, and that many if not most geniuses appear to be rather Aspergoid. It is a public secret that the world's greatest minds tend to be sexual deviants, as expressed in sayings like "Once a philosopher, twice a pervert", or Hoe groter de geest, hoe groter het beest (Netherlandic for "The greater the mind, the greater the beast"). When reading honest biographies of geniuses, one can not escape this fact. It is also something that may make one, secretly but with perverse delight, smile whenever one hears someone claim to be "the world's smartest man" or have "the world's highest I.Q.".

Last edited by Samarda on 12 Oct 2011, 10:50 am, edited 2 times in total.


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12 Oct 2011, 9:46 am

There is no empirical evidence for a causal connection between Autism and homosexuality. Nor is there any empirical evidence for a causal connection between Autism and bedwetting, fire-starting, animal torture, cartoons, pasteurized milk, Chinese food, unleaded gas, glutenous foods, cellular telephones, underwire bras, vaccines, bottled water, ozone depletion, advanced math, satellite reconnaissance, or the liberal news media.

In other words, there is no empirical evidence for any causal connection between Autism and any mundane element of modern society.

Where do people get these idiotic connects from?

Besides Jenny McCarthy, I mean...


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12 Oct 2011, 9:55 am

Radiofixr wrote:
jackbus01 wrote:
I don't think there is any connection between sexual orientation and autism. In fact the challenges that homosexual people have faced are a lot different than those faced with autism. I don't see a similarity between the two.

I am both and I am just waiting for the critics to start quoting bible verses that autism is an abomination and others to say its a choice-they do both affect each aspect of my life as it really narrows the field of prospective companions as NT people want and look for a perfect mate,friend,hook up,FWB and my autistic characteristics show and no one wants to even talk to me or get to know me even other gay aspies-they just seem to want perfection which I am not and the people in the autistic side of my world-many would be accepting and some an quite less accepting because they have it ingrained in them by others in their life that it is a choice and an abomination. I have no idea what I possibly did to be treated by both communities as a unwanted person.

Oh :(
Hopefully you can find some non-bigoted friends so you can have increased self-esteem. You can't change people like that.


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12 Oct 2011, 10:01 am

Autism and homosexuality are not linked at all (well, actually, I don't know what a study would say about that--considering hormone levels in the womb are potential explanations for both, perhaps there could be a correlation--regardless, the are completely separate issues). I don't know what the current research says on the cause of homosexuality. I don't doubt that it's intrinsic to a person, but I don't know whether that necessarily is because they are "wired" differently. I'm pretty sure hormone levels is a pretty important factor. There's something about hormone levels effecting the lengths of pointer and index finger and that if they are the same length you are more likely to be gay (I think that was it anyway). Incidentally, I'm gay and my pointer and index fingers are the same length.


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12 Oct 2011, 10:02 am

jackbus01 wrote:
Radiofixr wrote:
jackbus01 wrote:
I don't think there is any connection between sexual orientation and autism. In fact the challenges that homosexual people have faced are a lot different than those faced with autism. I don't see a similarity between the two.

I am both and I am just waiting for the critics to start quoting bible verses that autism is an abomination and others to say its a choice-they do both affect each aspect of my life as it really narrows the field of prospective companions as NT people want and look for a perfect mate,friend,hook up,FWB and my autistic characteristics show and no one wants to even talk to me or get to know me even other gay aspies-they just seem to want perfection which I am not and the people in the autistic side of my world-many would be accepting and some an quite less accepting because they have it ingrained in them by others in their life that it is a choice and an abomination. I have no idea what I possibly did to be treated by both communities as a unwanted person.

Oh :(
Hopefully you can find some non-bigoted friends so you can have increased self-esteem. You can't change people like that.

I know that I can't change people like that but why can't they see that you can't change a person like me either-and they keep trying to

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12 Oct 2011, 10:03 am

No, homosexuality is not related to autism in any way, nor is it a "condition" one is born with. It is a normal and healthy attraction towards beautiful/intelligent/interesting/kind people who happen to be of the same gender.

Furthermore the word "homosexual" is only 150 years old, whereas men have been sleeping with men, and women with women, since the dawn of time (in fact the behavior is not limited to the human species).

I would assert that most humans are born at least slightly bisexual, and the assumption we must choose one or the other is purely a cultural construct.


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12 Oct 2011, 10:04 am

I don't know about homsexuality, but my asexuality is related to my autism.

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12 Oct 2011, 10:13 am

Homosexuality is not a form of autism. It is neither a disease or an illness. I do not believe people are born homosexual.

I believe homosexuality is a lifestyle choice people make in their life based on their environment and childhood upbringing. It is not like people have a gun held to their head forcing them to be a homosexual. People all have free will to decide whether or not they want to be homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual. People can change their sexuality just like changing a pair of shoes or clothes.

Our sexuality is a lifestyle choice. Just like making the choice of what shirt, shoes to wear or what food to eat or what to drink. We all have choices to make in our lives.


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12 Oct 2011, 10:31 am

mushroo wrote:
No, homosexuality is not related to autism in any way, nor is it a "condition" one is born with. It is a normal and healthy attraction towards beautiful/intelligent/interesting/kind people who happen to be of the same gender.

Furthermore the word "homosexual" is only 150 years old, whereas men have been sleeping with men, and women with women, since the dawn of time (in fact the behavior is not limited to the human species).

I would assert that most humans are born at least slightly bisexual, and the assumption we must choose one or the other is purely a cultural construct.

I wouldn't totally agree. I don't think there is anything wrong or unhealthy about homosexuality, but I do feel most (but not all) people seem to have a strong preference of gender. Then there is a smaller minority who seem to be more fluid about their sexual orientation. There is also a small (relatively) group that have no sexual orientation (asexual). Just for the record I am asexual. And yes this has all been around in every culture throughout history, it's all pretty natural.