I know that US Army had prohibition against service of openly homosexual soldiers until 2011.
As for my country i heard that Polish Army had similar provision, until 70's during communist time, but it was abolished not because special fondness for homosexual man but because surprising much of young young men comes as gay just to avoid draft
Alternatively enlisting to Jehovah Witness church and register as official draft objector on religious ground.
So communist removed homosexuality as reason for rejection or expulsion, but Polish Army was a liitle bit hostile toward gays, and was bat treated by other solider at that time.
Now we don't have draft in Poland it was abolished in 2009,
But I wanted to be a soldier, but after the age of 18 in 2004, I was summoned before military commissions draft board, for medical examination was rejected for medical reasons, because when I was a kid was suffering from epilepsy, and because of my Asperger's, a military doctor, Captain who examined me said that he himself autism is a serious of obstacles , but it could be, but epilepsy is BIG NO FOR HIM (even trough i was completely cured for 5 yaers
Officially he entered my military service book, as a reason for the rejection, adaptive response disorder, and epilepsy in medical history.
I was declared unfit for military service in time of peace as well as the case of mobilization in time of war
I wonder does other armies in the world consider autism as rejection factor?