Destabilised wrote:
So, from what I gathered here, you're asking would someone be embarrassed to be laid out by a homosexual male.
Why not? It has nothing to do with the fact I'm gay myself, it's more to do with the fact that just because someone is gay, it doesn't mean they can't land a fair few decent punches in. Sexuality does not define strength. I myself have laid a few homophobes out and they always seem a bit shocked when I do. It's time to get over this whole 'a gay man is weaker than a straight man' malarky. I don't understand what sexuality has to do with anything in 2017.
I think people know and realise that, but the one who got laid out by a gay man would probably get ribbed over it all the same, unless said gay guy was someone notoriously nuts or notoriously a bit of a hard knock! It's more the idea that it's a public humiliation for the one who gets dropped by a gay man than a perception that gay men are physically weaker or that they (we) are more timid when it comes to fighting (those guys who tried to pick on 2 trannies in Cardiff or Swansea for example, despite it turning out that they were hetero cage fighters who weren't even proper trannies, they had been to a fancy dress party and went as women, the would-be muggers probably still will never live that one down lol).
Of course, you get your idiots who genuinely believe that gay men are physically weak, the same people who more than likely believe women are physically weaker also (more utter bollocks, depends on the person not their gender or sexuality)
If these wings could fly, we’d remember tonight, for the rest of our lives
Last edited by PBL187 on 16 Oct 2017, 6:42 am, edited 2 times in total.