Slowly getting used to that can be a homo, but still think it's a little repulsive.I feel disgust to myself.
I am interested in aviation, I wonder if I was ever a test pilot or astronaut. Although I know that if you are or have been in the past, it does not reveal, because in the U.S. Air Force, while it was revealed that someone would be expelled, and in the case of the Soviet Union / Russian Federation would has been sent to the Gulag / penal company
I've always admired the Soviet / Russian and American test pilots, cosmonauts / astronauts, sometimes I wonder if any of them were gay, I know that, and so would not admit to homosexuality or bisexuality, because who normal person would admit to it is a little perverted
PS. I feel attracted to young men especially athletes, extreme sports athlets skateboarders, soccer player, pilots, and ashamed of it because homosexuality is a sin, and it is against nature