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24 Aug 2017, 9:28 am

I wonder how you react to you own homosexual feelings if you Christian? (whoever Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant)?

I'm feel that 100% im gay i just not acting on that feeling, anyway i'm so fat that no guy or girl would provably want me xD

But i'm upset when sometime i feel sexual feeling when i see some good looking guys :-(

BTW i feel that relationship between two guys whoever sexual or not are far more simpler than those one between male and female, because woman usually want something in return :-(
And bond between males are more stronger and based on friendship.


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24 Aug 2017, 9:47 am

In the United States, many Christian churches and religions are LGBT-friendly, while some aren't. Many Roman Catholic and most Episcopal churches welcome everyone including LGBT individuals. Even the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) welcomes LGBT members, but with the condition that they may not marry and must be celebate if not married. There are several LGBT-specific churches, too. But, many LGBT Americans appear to avoid religion in their lives. So, those who are religious can be especially friendly to others.

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24 Aug 2017, 9:58 am

In my experience, I have found gay relationships to be very similar to straight relationships.

There are men who are into other men because of money, for example.

I don't find man-on-man relationships to be any "deeper" than ones between men and women.

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20 Oct 2017, 10:23 pm

I don't see how you could accept a god that is flat out against you. It's listed many times in Christian and Catholic beliefs that being gay is a sin. Hell I'm pretty sure it says in the Bible that black people were deformed versions of God's creations. That's pretty messed up.


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20 Oct 2017, 10:38 pm

I used to be a Christian, but it caused too much cognitive dissonance. That was only partly related to my sexuality. I still disliked my sexuality for years after losing my faith, but I blame my religious upbringing partly for that internalised homophobia.

I used to be fat, btw. I met my love while still fat. Don't give up on yourself. I also used to get upset about having sexual feelings.

Same sex relationships (sexual or otherwise) are different, I find, but not necessarily harder or easier. The friendship bond (the whole 'partners in crime' thing) is stronger, and at times, it's more fun because you simply 'get' each other better. With the right person, it's like playing with your best friend from school, and you can be totally immature and just be yourself. With the opposite sex, it's like you have to translate your feelings and experiences before relating them.

Then again, same sex relationships have the downside that you feel the other's misfortunes more keenly, and you often share some of the same neuroses. I have a friend who drives me mad with this. Plus, society doesn't recognise it as much.

Straight relationships have the benefit of giving you the perspective of the opposite sex. There are more uncharted waters to explore. Same sex relationships can get more claustrophobic more quickly.

But it's all tricky. And wonderful.

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20 Oct 2017, 10:55 pm

Your sexual identity is who you are and you should not belong to any religion that does not accept you as you are or lays a guilt trip on you for being yourself.


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20 Oct 2017, 11:50 pm

I'm not religious, but I appreciate many religious values. I'm especially a big fan of Jesus.
It seems to me though, that too many christians are too unlike their christ. Jesus preached love and understanding for all, and I strongly doubt that he would have anything against gay people. Still, people focus way too much on the stuff that you can and can't do, and way too little on the "love thy neighbour"-part.
I think that a lot of people forget that the bible was written by humans. And humans have their faults, and they like to tell others that their values are the right ones. (I mean look at me, I'm doing it right now! Even if I'm just trying to be nice, I'm still pushing an agenda!)
The basic message of almost every religion is to be nice to one another. I don't think a loving god would require a big rule-book just to let people know that they should be nice. Besides, it's very strange how some rules (like the gay one) seems very important, while others (like the one with shrimp, or slavery, or two materials in one piece of fabric) are completely ignored.
If people can pick and choose what rules apply to them, they're obviously not that important.

If God created you, then you are perfect as you are. Especially since sexuality has nothing to do with the free will.
No good God would create you in a certain way and then blame you for it.


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11 Nov 2017, 6:53 pm

I was raised Lutheran (ELCA.) My childhood pastor had some "traditional" views about the ELCA's inclusive stance on LGBT issues, including ordaining openly LGBT people in clergy. He took sides with people who left our congregation out of opposition to the ELCA.

Some churches are LGBT friendly, others are not at all and some claim to be LGBT friendly while exhibiting words and actions which express otherwise.

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28 Dec 2017, 1:35 pm

Technically speaking religions like Islam and Christianity are 100% incompatible with homosexuality because the rules are the rules, but at the end of the day, you're free to interpret the Bible from your own biased point of view to support your own pro-gay ideas. Westboro lunatics are full of BS too, see who cares.

If this makes you really uncomfortable you can always try Wicca or whatever. Religion isn't really important anymore, and religious people look a bit goofy when they talk about their imaginary friends like if they were literally schizophrenic.

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29 Dec 2017, 2:07 pm

Kovu, do you really need such a provocative sig?

Why is a trailer behind a car but ahead of a movie?

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30 Dec 2017, 11:02 am

envirozentinel wrote:
Kovu, do you really need such a provocative sig?



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31 Dec 2017, 9:11 am

Some evangelical Christians are so homophobic that they hide behind the authority of an entire religion

A Baptist had the nerve to tell me that it was "lying" for me to ask him to call me "he" instead of "she"

2004 San Diego was so homophobic, superficial, Republican, materialistic

So it was not one person versus one person. It was an entire religion and "people" versus a subhuman thing (me)

"You don't care about anyone except yourself!"

"You make people uncomfortable with the way you dress!"

"People" sounds like everyone, but "people" literally means two or more

And it sounds like I am not a person


The other thing is their "holier than thou" self righteous attitude

But whatever. Plenty of precious lil "people" from all religions have that attitude




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01 Jan 2018, 6:46 pm

Find yourself a nice LGBT positive church! Don't suppress your sexuality. It's not healthy. There a plenty of Christians who are okay with queer people and there are plenty of queer people who are Christian. I'm not Christian myself, but I have visited food banks run by LGBT positive churches and have befriended some of the staff and have a great deal of respect for Christians who don't judge others based on the bible. Jesus, himself, said it wasn't okay to judge so if your congregation is trying to tell you they aren't living by Christian values at all and you should find another church. I used to belong to a church like that and trying to suppress who I was just led me into a pit of depression.

Just be you. :)


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14 Mar 2018, 9:20 pm

I'm a Queer Christian. I really think the issue with Homosexuality in the Bible is contextual and relevant to the time at hand. There's the mistranslation theory as well. Having said that I can't just say it's not wrong because I haven't found the scripture to say so. However, I am a Queer Christian and I have never used the Bible full on verbatim. There are times in the Old Testament where God overlooks sins. We are not bound by Jewish law, however Corinthians is a rather troubling book to decipher. Do what I did, research all the angles and discussions with an open mind, pray about it and see what answer comes to you. I just can't see how pretending to be straight, getting married, getting worn out and divorced, then breaking up a family is any less of a sin than just dating someone of the same sex in the first place. It's initially an abomination, as in something that wasn't meant to be. This makes perfect sense in the Old Testament and end of the Bible since everyone was called to fruitful and multiply. The Earth's all filled up now though. There's enough of us. Just pray about it and see what you come to.


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14 Mar 2018, 10:30 pm

Masakados wrote:
I don't see how you could accept a god that is flat out against you. It's listed many times in Christian and Catholic beliefs that being gay is a sin. Hell I'm pretty sure it says in the Bible that black people were deformed versions of God's creations. That's pretty messed up.

I understand completely that we honour a God that hates us. But is that true or has religious organisations turned the truth to their own liking?
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15 Mar 2018, 1:08 pm

Masakados wrote:
I don't see how you could accept a god that is flat out against you. It's listed many times in Christian and Catholic beliefs that being gay is a sin. Hell I'm pretty sure it says in the Bible that black people were deformed versions of God's creations. That's pretty messed up.

He doesn't. He loves everyone regardless of whether He completely approves of all our actions or not. That is definitely in the Bible a million times.