Enceladus wrote:
For many Aspies it's hard getting to know girls or getting into relationships, for some it's very hard just to talk to girls. It doesn't mean they are asexual, just really really nervous and unsure how to approach girls. Most people would just assume an Aspie like that is asexual, especially if they are getting a bit old. I know a lot of very nice gentle guys like that I would think would be perfect in relationship.
For me it has never been been that difficult getting girls attention or interacting with them. But I grew up among lots girls and many of them gave some very clear confirmations they liked me. I had a lot of practice and time to learn.
It could also do with sensory issues. They might find intimacy hard because of all that touching and issues with personal space and most people prefer to have sex naked and that can be hard for someone with tactile issues.
Plus I find lot of sex boring but that doesn't make me asexual.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.