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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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09 Sep 2020, 2:06 pm

Is anyone here think that being LGB/GSM and having any level of ASD somewhat hard in life? Or that it may not be very hard, but maybe have to overcome a couple of hurdles? I feel like people like to be more judgemental when they find out you're both LGB and you have ASD, especially with the Silents, Boomers, and Gen Xer's generations. I also think that being in the Southeast, Southwest, Mountain West, and Midwest with more social conservatives may not help the fact. In the developed world, it is easier to be LGB or GSM than in the developing or undeveloped world I say. I've heard people in the developing world be killed or assaulted in Western Asia and in Latin America because being LGB or GSM. I've also heard ASD folks being chained up in Western Africa because they think they have "demons" in them. I feel like more Lesbophobia, Homophobia, Autismphobia, and Ableism being more prevalent in the developed world sadly. Some people won't hire others in Middle America because they have a disability or their sexual orientation.


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09 Sep 2020, 2:14 pm

Welcome aboard!

Care to take elaborate on just one of those statements?

Blue Jay
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09 Sep 2020, 2:29 pm

Ok. I'll try to explain. td:lr; Do autistic people and LGB and Trans folks have hurdles to overcome in life? I do have hurdles in like as an Autistic Lesbian. Older generations, like Silents to Gen X, seem to have more social conservative values compared to Gen Y and Z. Also, people in Middle America (as of Middle USA) tend to be more religious and more socially conservative, so they may be more judgemental about Autistic or Homosexual people, and especially Homosexual Autistic people. Because of Authoritarian Left and Right movements, there's been more prevalent Ableism/Autismphobia and Homophobia/Lesbophobia in the developed world. Some get discriminated against job or housing opportunities, especially in Non-Coastal USA. Compared to the developing world, LGB ASD folks don't have to worry about getting murdered or death penalty (Like in West Asia or Latin America) nor do they have to worry about getting chained for being precieved as having "demons in you" (like in West Africa)


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09 Sep 2020, 3:25 pm

Are you trying to say that because people on the autistic spectrum and people on the LGBTQ spectra have a lot in common that we are actually all alike?


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09 Sep 2020, 3:57 pm

I think that it only makes sense that people who do not like people who are different from them would be extra judgmental of people who have multiple things, such as neurodivergent, homosexual and transgender. You could probably add on being a minority race too. Arguably people have more privilege in certain aspects for being a neurotypical cis straight white man.

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Blue Jay
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09 Sep 2020, 6:32 pm

Fnord wrote:
Are you trying to say that because people on the autistic spectrum and people on the LGBTQ spectra have a lot in common that we are actually all alike?

That to a certain extent. I think humans have more in common because we're human, but folks of both groups have in common would be that we're different, but in a good way.

Blue Jay
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09 Sep 2020, 6:33 pm

Bradleigh wrote:
I think that it only makes sense that people who do not like people who are different from them would be extra judgmental of people who have multiple things, such as neurodivergent, homosexual and transgender. You could probably add on being a minority race too. Arguably people have more privilege in certain aspects for being a neurotypical cis straight white man.

They'd have a lot of privilege if the neurotypical bio straight white male was upper class, or being a PAW (high net worth individual).


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10 Sep 2020, 1:11 am

robotrecall wrote:
Bradleigh wrote:
I think that it only makes sense that people who do not like people who are different from them would be extra judgmental of people who have multiple things, such as neurodivergent, homosexual and transgender. You could probably add on being a minority race too. Arguably people have more privilege in certain aspects for being a neurotypical cis straight white man.

They'd have a lot of privilege if the neurotypical bio straight white male was upper class, or being a PAW (high net worth individual).

This topic is about, and you made the question of, it being harder being LGBT and ASD makes life harder, that implies privilege. Privilege does not mean that you are above the law or get a free car, class privilege is an additional thing, but one might have an easier time not being those time being any of those things, especially all, or might even be more likely to achieve the class thing.

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Blue Jay
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11 Sep 2020, 2:40 pm

I've never mentioned anything about being above the law, but I was just implying that any individual that has a high net worth or is upper class will have more privilege no matter what their sexuality, race ,disability etc.


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11 Sep 2020, 6:28 pm

robotrecall wrote:
I've never mentioned anything about being above the law, but I was just implying that any individual that has a high net worth or is upper class will have more privilege no matter what their sexuality, race ,disability etc.

Indeed it is possible. Acknowledging cis, straight, white, neurotypical and male privilege does not mean you are saying that a black neurodivergent lesbian trans woman of a high class does not have more privilege than a bottom class white neurotypical straight cis man. Their are different types of privileges, and I think that too many people get caught up in the idea that anyone can make it, when the hypothetical black neurodivergent lesbian trans woman would have a harder reaching a higher class, under more scrutiny and maybe even more likely get disowned from family.

Who do you think people are more likely to be accepting of regardless of class: a white neurotypical straight cis man, or a black neurodivergent lesbian trans woman? One is the standard movie hero, the other seems like a joke character. Maybe even more if removing the binaries: a black hispanic neurodivergent bisexual trans enby. Bisexual erasure is a thing that can happen from both straights and gays/lesbians, and even a lot of binary trans people don't accept non-binary people, and even further if a enby might not look sufficiently trans or angroynous enough.

I myself acknowledge some luck/privilege from being white, I spent most of my life passing as straight cis as an AMAB guy, and although I can have some problems by being on the spectrum, I can handle my attitude as polite and often forgo allowance afforded to me in my studies for my bachelor. I acknowledge that there is little for me socially gain in making myself openly non-binary and bisexual, other than being true to myself.

There are some people who even see transmen as just trying to get rid of disadvantages of being a woman and gain male privilege, but this ignores that transwomen would thus have nothing to gain in giving up male privilege.

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Blue Jay
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11 Sep 2020, 6:39 pm

I agree. Even though the black transwoman may be from a higher class status, she will be most likely to be disowned because of parts of who she is.