pakled wrote:
I forget to properly define characters by appearance, more with dialog. I tend to go back over the story, then have to 'flesh out' the characters with added details.
Yeah, I'm the same way, but I always assumed it's because my characters are based on people I know, so the image is already present in my head, I don't need to create it.
ike wrote:
I tend to have difficulty knowing where to break paragraphs... or remembering to break paragraphs at all... and with run-on sentences and adding unnecessary detail in my writing.
Breaking paragraphs isn't usually an issue for me, but run-on sentences are a constant headache for me. As for details, I tend to be too concise in my writing, other than when I don't leave enough up to the reader's imagination when I write stories.
Forgive me if I sound a bit preachy or teachy. I don't pretend to know everything, but I like to share what I do know.