I wud suggest an iPod nano or classic. I've had an iPod video, a WMP mp3, && currently have an iTouch.
My iPod video was really good, ting wif it was that it wud freeze out of random and wouldn't turn off till dee battery died. It broke but thats because when it froze I was already pissed that day so I threw it agianst dee wall (bad ideaaaa).
After that, I didn't have a lot of cash so I bought this $70 mp3. It was decent but if you like making playlists, IT SUCKKKKED. You had to go on dee mp3 itself and go through all your songs and press a botton that said "Add to playlist". You cudn't do it on dee computer and you can only have one playlist. I love playlists so that really annoied me. Also, I didn't like how it was soooo mini. Dee battery life wasn't so good eaither =\. I forgot it's brand but it wasn't very good.
Now I have my iTouch I had gotten for Christmas. I'm almost 100% satisfied wif it. Dee only ting my wi- fi sucks at my home because all dee locations won't work. Other locations it will. Other den that, it's really good =D.