starygrrl wrote:
I hate to break people up here and derail a theory. Cobain did not have AS, he was bipolar. I have briefly discussed this with people who were in his circle of friends in Olympia, WA. There are a few other people mentioned here that are mentioned that I KNOW are not on the spectrum (Jack White and Connor Oberst being two of them) because I have met them. Sorry to disappoint people, I just know to many people with first hand knowledge of Cobian. Cobian had that unnatural charisma that is common with bipolar folks, his odd behaviors, were actually more in line with bipolar than autism.
not to worry; theory not derailed.
thanks for your opinion, but it is as good, better, or not good as anyone else's opinion here.
a circle of friends does not constitute a diagnosis, or more succinctly, a ruling out of a diagnosis.. friends think they know everything about a "friend", when, most commonly, they know much less than they think. especially when it comes to so called friends of famous people. i'm sure they were all so aware of kurt's inner feelings thoughts and concerns (not). if that were the case, how come none of them prevented him from killing himself? maybe he chose to not share this important detail to his "friends". sorry, don't mean to diss you, but i find your post scurrilous.
you dont KNOW who is or is not on the spectrum. only that person and their diagnoser is privy to that info and fact. Having Asperger's does not preclude someone from also being bipolar, and vice versa.
Sorry, but your post is very know it all in nature, and i strongly disagree with your statements.
keep it real