I despise parties. They've never been good for me and I usually avoid them like the plague, although I've grown enough to know that others need them.
Yesterday was our office party, very small gathering. A mention was made that there wasn't any Christmas music in the room. Having made this Christmas a cd of the stories I wrote about Burnnaice the feisty church bulletin editor who has gotten the tenor recorder this year to save her sanity.........I had put my recorder, a few books, and folding music stand in the back seat of the car, just in case.
Soooooooo............when I heard this about the music, I ran out to the car, brought in my music stuff, set it up, took a deep breath.....and played....mistakes and all.
I also told them "This works better when you all talk while I play so it covers up my mistakes."
I ended up doing "background music".
Golly it was fun! Makes me want to practice more and work on that memorizing.
Ritagail in OK