I was reading about the asp. "disorder" of hyperlexia.
I just discovered I have asp. but I also just wrote a novel using hyperlexic logic! And...it's sort of about having asp., in its own way, too.
For instancing a warry-time taking jabbers a want-withing over a trilltapesty's tread-tanklike center-sill.
That sentence doesn't mean anything much, of course, my book is quite not like that. But I saw some other similar stuff around.
I wrote several other books and many articles before this. Only now did I give free reign to "warping" grammar, words and usage in this particular way. Does anybody else have it in them to fabricate words and soforth? In school unless it's "crazy-poetry" class all instructors will generally see any emergent peculiarity as part of the same illiteracy problem, probably, when you may be pushing to break grammar-rules and invent words for your satisfaction. I try to say the "unsayable" about life and death using this broke-grammar and new words. I might have never written in this style at all, but I believe it's turned out smashingly, if anyone will actually publish it...