I have family in South England, Saltdean.
I am 4th Generation, my great grandda emmigrated
to the states a long time ago, but his brother
stayed in Saltdean area.
For some strange reason, I turned out the way
I did.
I ended up liking squid and kimchi, Indian food,
But, hotdogs pizza and hamburgers just don't please me very
much, so I don't have them often, but a good manicotti,
or Indian style Palak Paneer, or Chinese style squid and
black beans dish with a side of Korean style kimchi
will please me very much, but Grandma's cooking
tops it all. My favourite of hers was her haggis
nips and tatties. (I know its more Scottish, but she is from the
Irish side of the family, she likes Scottish style.) the Grandma
on the English side made the best toad in the
hole I have ever had.
I also used to listen to the satellite audio
dish years ago, I liked the U2 band on there
back in 1980-81 sometime then,
and when I asked my mates about it they said
"who?" Sometimes I felt alone but when
family from Saltdean phoned, my cousins knew
it so I wasn't so alone.
I think it was alot of things that made me
end out this way.
It does not bother me too much but sometimes
it can make me feel different than the rest of
the people around me.
I have been told I "don't act American"
but it does not bother me, I know I
have English heritage and influence and I'm
proud of it.
A Boy And His Cat
When society stops expecting
too much from me, I will
stop disappointing them.