xon wrote:
I took piano lessons for seven years. I didn't enjoy memorizing the music or going to practice; reading it off the page seemed easier, and I could do that extraordinarly fast. My favorite type of music to play had been classical, which I have even tried a little composing at; however, before I stopped lessons in 2005, my teacher got me interested in blues. At that time I was becoming more dedicated to practicing and I had a new teacher who gave one-on-one lessons, which were better for my anxiety. My lessons used to be in a class with other students seated at pianos all in the same room, some very advanced and with much better social skills, which of course lead to minimal teaching time for me. My new teacher said that becoming a concert pianist was a possible opportunity for me.
I didn't know group piano lessons were possible!
I had group lessons (violin, clarinet) until four years ago. I would never go back to them - I was too shy to do much by myself but I do feel I was held back by the others, to an extent. Though by the end there were just two of us in my violin lesson, although still I feel I was held back a little. I don't resent her for it though - she didn't choose to.
Spectrumite ... somewhere.